
Hand me the Rain, oh Tudo!

                                                                                                                                                           Poetry and Short Stories.      

[This text speaks to the ongoing spin of chaos in the realm of societal entrances. Hopefully, by the end of this collection I wrote, you’ll be more positive about the conception of chaos and find a peaceful path to walk forth in. Your path can separate such chaos. That is, even if the path winds in a circuitously defined fashion. After all, most sentient-beings see the beauty in a distant world.]

                                                                                 Thomas Timothy Halley


To You, From Me

I'm at my farm,

Where I sow numerous memories.

Where it's easy to believe

Of this dandelion of the heart,

Blowing in the breeze,

Surfing the gust,

Strengthening your trust,

Spreading ideas unexplainable,

More to bring to the table in eyes,

I never knew this wind could stabilize.

Yet it takes my breath away,

Every time.


Grace On The Tightrope

Transfer hungry pain for a life we feed

Born through drenched tornados

Hurricanes of tomorrow

Will life remain for the present

A little touch

Too distant to smell

But razor sharp stench quells panic

Alone we ride torrents and waves

Wrung the sweat from the cloth

Fix the eyes to an end of a long day

Does well to cast a smile

At the fisherman's way

And he turns up a letter like a word around

The bend

Only her shaky laugh will mend


I've sent my ship in a bottle

To float through the passage of times

I've kissed her goodbye

But love will stay like a golden feather

To the serenity of heaven's chimes

Aligned towards the silver stars

Wind breaks like shoulders do to heads

Tuck and roll

Steady is the love that mends


Anything goes its way,

But mirrors aren't necessary,

When you've got a shining heart,

You don't need a clock to time this start,

Because beginnings are always good enough...

Endless charm will live soaring through the rough,

If one stands together,

Bonded by forever...


A Cat Named Curious

Bring me roses on a Sunday.

A bird could lay an egg in that nest of hair

And make any scarecrow feel good about

A straw complexion,

Mutual intersection.

Reeds blow and befriend the dust.

Bring me roses on a Sunday

And I'll dance with the crows

Turning those foes

Into...The God knows...

You'll bring me roses on a Sunday.

That blanket looks like a welcome mat.

Now I picture a picnic for this friendly cat.

Curiosity paws the yarn.

So we knit roses for a Sunday,

Roses for any day.

And she is ready to pounce,

Yes, curiosity,

At any given moment...


Anchor the Dance

Children and their cold feet: do

Flicker my fiery friend

So toes can dance, while mouths eat.

Upon the mountain,

Covers awash under the fall,

The bear sweeps his paw

And the dance begins,

No two elements resign,

For one is breathing, the other is the mind.

Together this tower is a watch,

The big hand searches,

While the little one waits,

Anchor steady my dear,

This distant ocean, so the beach

Remains steady with our laws of motion.

Anchor this dance,

And the waves shall not take us,

But ours hearts, yes, none forsake us.


Ver. #2

Anchor the Dance

Children and their cold feet: do

Flicker my fiery friend

So toes can dance, while mouths eat.

Upon the mountain,

Covers awash under the fall,

The bear sweeps his paw

And the dance begins,

No two elements resign,

For one is breathing, the other is the mind.

Alone this tower will watch,

The big hand searches,

While the little one waits,

Anchor steady my dear,

This distant ocean, so the beach

Remains steady with our laws of motion.

Anchor this dance,

And the waves shall not take us,

But ours hearts, yes, none forsake us.


The Ocean is On

Free falling beaks aimed at prey, spearing fish,

These journeying feathers catch the wind.

Scent of a season to begin,

You're my kin.

We left footprints to mark this

Winding seaside trail.

Like stars mark the Big Dipper,

But we never did fit in that glass slipper.

I guess marveling

Makes me curious since

It's a curious thing to come alive,

Into the depths of an ancient whale's dive.

Filling every pore with the pitter patter,

Of a distant ocean's rhythm,

As the sea-cave holds its breath in unison,

Rocky walls bounce off the waves' watery ton.

A treasure for you is

Momentous laughter,

Hats fly off in a gust, but no fear

So suit up - this castle of sand stands near!

9. Untitled

The triumph of an animal,

A God, as in Latin the anima.

One cannot forsake bone

Since one is the same alone,

As bread,

As wheat,

Enough is said...


Peaceful Tide

Peace has the will of a song

As birds will fly and sing along.

From these bygone ages,

Comes respite, turning pages

While the bittersweet melody

Aches to see

The bright leaves which house our memory.


The Light in a Rain Stick

We see what was a campfire ritual settling into ash

leaving smoke and burning desire,

A thirst for rain and lightening to clash.

He waits undisturbed in a house of clay,

Native to his cause, he houses the story,

The one that speaks for all, but only one will stay.

He says if we douse our fires and penance,

We shall find the light which lives in all.

It's found in the flame that listens in silence.

Legs walk alone and yet search for each

Aware of the rain dance chattering within,

In tune with a warning of rattlesnake speech.

A mutual light in darkness reminds us to begin.

The answer is the rusted key,

But the key unlocks safety and is found within.


Parallel Circle

I strive to be humble and to be

An embodiment of my word.

My circle of friends are but a few,

Yet this mind of mine

Lets me in on the ideal view.

Our pieces fit together

In one cohesive puzzle.

Clear as day and

In unity with true understanding,

We forge the day and weld each moment.

Like the eagle, such talons approach a landing.

Distant yet near,

This wing holds bravery more than fear.

Rain gives an arc its colorful sign to guide flight.

This holds true in the dreams of blackest night.

There is no more anger in this river rock.

Such minerals cleanse my emotions.

Each journey in our circle takes it steady.

We are the completion of a rainbow,

We are the other half, a reflecting stream below.


The old horn juts out

Like a pike in forgotten battlefields.

The wind sings a peaceful response.

The rhino's age is numberless,

One cannot quantify wisdom this way.

Skin crumples like sheets of paper.

An artist's creation unfolds in watercolor.

This sinew of strength bulldozes trees and

The wink of this still giant stirs fear

while tear is shed from the painter

On shaky knees.

Pleading not to get charged upon

and flattened...

Like the surface on an easel,

Hands grasp the unfinished work in haste,

Running, running away.


The real surprise in life

Is the candle lit in each moment...

Not just on the cake.

I strive to be moved by this continuity.


Here and Now

There's catching

White Lightning

Only when predicting Black Thunder

Clouds reach the horizon, or is it smoke?

Beyond a stratosphere

Beyond space, there is the elevator ride

Of a lifetime, or a day....maybe a second


And a mantel of promise evades me

For I fit on no proper line

A prism for vacant colors

Love teaches us the moment

Courage abides in the ever present memory

Of echoed footsteps

Impossible to Repeat your


Rockets Above Ranches

Tired eyes and the teakettle boils

Like purple tulips

Closing shop when it’s sundown

Away and fastening that swing on a distant memory

Blessed singing like canaries above rooftops

I’m the boy with candy-cane grin

“Hang on Charlie step up to the next limb!”

Life’s climbing a tree when the elders do their bidding

Life’s strumming the old guitar when dust collects

On the floor’s oak and I find it fitting

Stair steps to the moon

Feet remind me of where I am

Why does one venture so high?

I’d miss the taste of auntie’s yams

Rocket Bill; come back when you’re ready

I’ll keep the horses full with rich alfalfa

...And my stirrups with a rhythm that's steady


Red Glory

The atlas folds inside a giant pocket

The pocket on The God's pants

Empty the red engine of a rocket

Over the sky and watch stars dance

I'm building a red rocket

To match The God's pants

I try to fly it over my bed like a pilot

Now I watch my dreams dance

I watch you pour out your tea

Out of the bowl shaped like a planet

You see!

You remembered so I won't fret

I collected the prestige

Of your glorious photographs

I took my heart on a siege

To remember your laughs


A chime of none forgotten

The peace bodies flow in

Non-absolute pendulums of time

Speeds the cheetah dreamed could touch

This sign of speckled rhyme

Unleashed the angels which fled from trees

Birds made nests to remember

The way winter breaks in December

Coldness would not bespeak the gentle

As limestone hugs our streets

Of course blossoms the scent of petals

From the kind God that treats

Origins in heavy metals are the keeper

Sweeping the unkept mind...

Only these 3 mice could see

For none were so blind



Weathered sons search for lost gold

Old wisdom passed down like a lantern to the blind

Reborn to dance the dance

Learn once, for time is precious

Delivered by footsteps beyond the temple’s gate

Want is a key lost in the ocean

Oaths break like a seed in the eagle’s beak

Ravens and other birds try at their race

Light passes towards infinity

Denoted a lover’s caring face

Wrecking the statue of the lion

One could not forget the breathing mane

Research the brain before you condemn the mind

Lost in clouds of short term gain

Discovering the heart that only beats to be truly



Pick up a clock

Hands in hand

Set it down

Time’s newfound dimension

What was there a second ago

Has been accounted for

By a hand of the infinitesimally tiny

The moment while you set it down

You slowed down its ticking atomically

Sound exists to us in the norm

But velocity and the fourth dimension

Is where time is born

Memory at the atomic level

Is constantly trying to slow

To pick up the pieces of this puzzle

Of acceleration of our solar system

And show the physically possible

Conception of the time travelling


He’s a canvas in the Oort Cloud

And nothing can stop this, so accept this


There is nobody left to rob, Mr. Hood

The rich have packed their bags of what’s left

They have all gone back to the old home

The reason they were born

Shoot your arrow into the sky, Robin

Let the angels guide its swift mark

For the sheriff has cried

And retired his badge

He wears only rags in the old home

The old home, dear Robin

Climb to the tips of your trees

And discover the lives you’ve saved

Beyond auburn mountains

Where maidens sing your song of bandits

And wear your mark on their hearts

Where you have sent your golden arrow

Go now, all clad in green, the time has come


Echos felt trapped In the sound under a tongue

Reverberation For the feeling was won Atom upon


Your majesty is unleashed From torturous chains The

beating heart of the cage

He stands able

Able and loud For one spoken of calmly

Yellow on iron shut lips

The sourest sound

But it was pure and it was just

It was your name on his eyes

And she spoke in kind tones: We Will Trust

No more! shall one despise...


Pray for the lonely

Only to awaken the light in their bursting stars

Grace pours through to us in raindrops

Through a silver vase

No silver moon could replace

Embody each other’s laughing face

Guides rhythm to my empty cup

Swallowing tempos evenly like a bike pump

Onward these wheels burn

Onward my eyes, they yearn

Social construct is a message through a wire

When one and one make two

Lovers bid adieu

These types of hearts never truly retire

And always play a tune with the piper




The Astronaut's Way

Lightning maze that winds

Breaks shards of glass that float in minds

He's bound for outer space, he couldn't stay

He's bound for red limits, he couldn't say

Tunnels of wind hiss at and kiss his flights

Over ahead, amidst the channel of lights

Rovers bounce and the raindrops hop

In craters, searching for any life to stop

For these treading stars,

company the forlorn that discover bars

Myriads... Bars of universal gold

Taste of ripples of familiar elements, never sold

Tired lungs

Touch down on asteroids with thirsty tongues

Bred to discover, friend and believe

Oxygen is limited, he starts to heave

Where is up and where is sound?

Space rock in his pocket, from unknown ground

Oversights blend like yellow lions in lairs

Blue flakes of stars make heavenly stairs

This astronauts walk, with whom?

Only the robotic servants to test for doom


The Sole Hope of a Cardinal

Beauty through eyes of untold vision

A historical prose

A simile of collision

May the broken man be fixed?

He honors yet still begets deep woes

Although a chipper Cardinal in flight

Softly lands with talons for toes

He hopes the moon tuck infant seeds to bed

Until they grow and proclaim

Like an easterly wind of the journey ahead

"Come hither!"

A bluejay lands on the anvil of his honest name

One will forge on in light, and shall never wither!

A myth of illumination, the truth of flame

A cornerstone will record

Any angel's flight

So he gives water to a plant

A seed so right

The copper mountain

Sheds a tear to cool a blazing night

"Good morrow" always lightens his burden

Black dots mark the sky of flight

And blessed be a Cardinal's sorrow

Ever longing to be that angel of light...

He proves it well in moderation for tomorrow

And tells the blind alley rats, "goodnight"

Loosening the tie

The ties that bind a tortured prisoner

Cold shackles broken that cause freedom to fly

The Cardinal smiling with his neighborly ease

A faint song of his endearing prayer

Heard poised and perched in the cherry trees


Throw a flame The bowing game

To be or to stay Wait for her to pay

Time doesn't stop Burnt fish don't flop

I was a head! was her head

She gets right from me That which cannot see

Blacker than white I caught the light light

In Another day we just might So don't lose sight

I was her head Then I was her stead

She comes home to my eyes I am the chimney that

will rise

With smoke... For the pleasant folk

So throw a flame

For her name


Truth of the Red Lips

The truth slept on her red ruby lips for days

Just like a sermon about the Holy Ghost and holy


Her little ways dreamt about a certain celestial being

So when Jesus helped the blind in seeing

The ruby lipped girl writhed in pain

She closed her Bible to stay sane

For ignorance was her bliss

And the red lips made their mark for a first kiss

Though shaken by the trees and other earthly matters

A man held her in arms like a flag in war that finally


So when the leaves fell in autumn

The silence was met in the Steeple from top to


From the thorns on His head

Light from the stillness was shortly read

For when Christ passed to heavenly shape

The ruby lipped girl opened her Bible and it stuck like


For she remembered her Father and Mother the same

as they did to her

She slowed her pace in life and words from her ruby

lips did occur

She spoke the biblical stories with naked lips

For no lipstick was put on and so the final page rips

The last word of a holy book

The period of a revelation that did the final look

She climbed to the stars lit by the path of a lantern

Understood by all till she passed Saturn

She climbed by foot and hand like a human climbs a


She climbed to the big dipper with her red lips and

mighty will

All that was left of her was the ruby red glow of mars

in the sky

So that is the story of the ruby lipped lass with

glowing hope from up high


You have found your way

To the highest peak

I have loved your stay

In the humble moments we speak

Tomorrow I'll address

For the present is always now

Forward like hooves on a dusty mess

Though I can clearly see from my ship's bow

We have cleaned this messy road

But left its dignity

In the horse's corral in our country aboad

Or venturing to Alaska, an icy city

Oh a post card with ice still attached

I guess you got the memo

Since you know where the hot coco is stashed

I appreciated your neat and detailed note below

Home is where the heart is and also the liver

And the body is the temple we respect and also the

light peaking

Which guides the giver

To another day when that person is seeking

Seeking the circulation of travel and play

Travel flows deep in our vains

On the clean leather saddle again today

Only where? The question remains



He taxes not

Old winter legs

Fleet and snow ripples

The dog’s tongue so wet

To better days he’ll let his hands

On the old chisel and rest his rhyme

With carved fiddles but the moment ever changes

Like rose red lips from which she spoke

Another day

For a dear hearted folk

I’ll protect you with an iron shield

And fallen tears to the soil, should a flower yield

Ghost from the remainder of a storm we treaded

But it passed

Yes the stream knows it too well

From the bottom and top

Betwixt a snow rabbits hop

Fare thee well

Fare thee well


Walk On And You Will Find

One never lets his guard down

On the tapestry of blue and gold

The path of light made by the warm sun

To aid a moon so cold

I'll let them in

If they'll tell me their name

As a monk to his neighbor

As a neighbor to the same

Like a cold wind

Sore nostrils will take a breath

Step upon step for a fire

Smoke for eyes of water and death

The beginnings of life

Live in you

As a farmer to his crops

As his crops will renew

Walk on through the trenches

If you search far and wide

You'll find the answer

Next to the key, the question's inside


I dote on dreams

No good friend would spend

A mountain of worth

Of a heart of iron

Lungs bring in air for kings

And I touch-down like penance for queens

Valued a courage

Shot out from the crowd

I abound to fall

And bounce back until I stand

To not murmur

Only a grey wave could pronounce

The destitute and washed away

Following them around

Like sand-dollars under a cuff

Hidden from sight

But not from sound

Waves of salty dew

Everything fixed and renewed

I'll watch you ride them to the oil

Slipped from my hands

And found revel in the gnarled soil

It's the maze twisted with people

It's the brave amidst the trace of dirt

For the friend who stayed alert

No royalty could beckon me to stay

For my home is yours

As it is for me, to open the door

And at last to pray

Watch me closely

For my outstretched hand

To invite you to smile

On all the mulched leaves

On our hero's land

At last we shall stand


A new beginning

Is the sudden spike along the sine curve,

Of progression and invention.


I've strayed with cats

Behind feline touch

Born with this

I threaten not a God

For breath becomes silver

In the twisting Rapids

Towards the branches

I'll catch my breath for a whole mile

For my courage surpasses

Enough to smile

Try again he says

No burden on my neck

I respect the dust

These cats bid farewell

And my trust warms your heart

Together at last

The tiger protects the lark

Hot breath in the cool forest

Ahead at last

For those ready to embark


Loose leaves

Friend of the wind

Cobbles of weathered steps


Beneath ever glowing eyes

Is a smile that casts

A sunrise

To be the watchdog of the mountain

One has to see the heartbeat

Of a setting sun

After the end

Has begun

Carrying the torch of love

Healing a dove-wing

Oh the cobbles, I hear them sing,

Again, yes, we shall fly again

A kiss from the sky will tell me when


Love will Fly Back

Withering with shaking knees

On his hand built chair feeling a breeze

He watched a sparrow flitter with the sun

The wheel that spun molded two

As the mother sowed on his clothes

A memory brought by the wind that blows

He grinned at every thread

He still worked at the same homestead

Looking down at his shirt he put a flower

In his shirt pocket to remember the hour

He loved his mother's sweet charm

And his work as a carpenter did no harm

For he framed her own memories

On his work bench from his knees

He still kept the picture

He crafted a bench that housed a fixture

He carved it with an ancient knife

It’s smell of pine was loved by his wife

And so that's the life of one carpenter

He always loved her

His wife with long brown hair

Aged and happy on that wooden chair

For Stephan the carpenter, love flew back

And the reciprocation never did lack


I will abide

It's memory

Lost Gods grapple

It's connection

As any bird would swoop

Down to pick a rose

With iron talons

A gentle way

Not forgotten

Find me

Oh feather in the sky

For when I hold the rose

In my hand

My chances will never die


Historical Prose

I want the heart of a calm soldier

So I’ll never tremble too much when it’s cold

I want the mind to conquer

So I’ll try to help the old

In reemergence of the circular

A new wheel

Turning our eyes out binocular

Open ears could only feel

Dry me up like an aged and graced lion

Only to allow me a drink

To quench the dessert of my treasured Mayan

This treasured script wasn’t burnt and didn’t sink

You developed a culture so calm and collect

I will be the monk of writers

I shall not ask for respect

But I’ll save the tree at its trunk and change plenty of


See peace quells like rain in the summer clouds

I’ll soldier on with my ink

And live a culture, which no dark enshrouds

This light is holiest and abounds in finding the missing



Beach of New Days

Oh brightest day

You cast your shadow to aid the fray

Counted blessings like change in foreign places

I am here where I belong: home of graces

Oh tenured teacher

One blossoms as a feature

Of peace, equality and love

Oh peaceful place above

Learned from the glistening beaches

And the tide turns the child that reaches

These eager soft hands

Will soon be toughened by the coarsest of sands

So reach on and long

Oh you can always sing your song


Falling to Heaven!

Falling is not falling

Until the human mind pursues the antidote

Stars fill the clamor of talk in halls

Baskets wait on doormats

Silver bells jingle away

Only the giant with one eye will stay

He is only big as the eye can see

But the star above warms his home until his end

Up above when time works its way back

Like an inchworm on a track

Though no prize is awarded

The feeling remains

Do we see what we see no more until it strains?

I’m talking about light in the cornea

Or the light behind the eye

In the sky

To reason the earth might never die

But only live

To understand

The watchtower will watch

The inchworm will stretch

Until time is worn down like the eraser marks on a


And the old man proffers a smile from his easy chair

He says,

“To travel to heavens, who will dare?”

The Toss

Time will speak

Like space between hands

The moment the applause explodes from the stands

Dancers will dance

Like elbows and hands

Arms connect the cause to the plans

I will dream like comets will remember

The toss between New Years Day and December


Retiring The Sword

Let it be lost in the depths

I put up this sword and said,

“Though on the surface

Was I! A calm collect head”

Eyes sharp as knives will draw light no further

A dull chill embraces

The same that smiles do to babies

The same forlorn feeling, forgotten traces

What the people come to conquer

Though like mountains contain hills: they fight for the


Though no longer gone

One tended a pack of wolves for a fight

Like the stones in backgammon,

I moved forth to replace

A similar tiding

One of yellow and blood red embrace

For the golden sun!

It was the only friend of the shepherd

For this loyal guardian

Tended his herd

Until he heard the call of the wolves

In the distance of friends

For he took the journey of the rightful flock

A good warning like silk on the leaf commends

To venture far from the wolves

A journey to other side of the pond and another

surface of rock

Dwarfed by fear

A lesson of love in the embrace of the wilderness lock

To unlock this lock

One will be the leg of a giant

It starts with a peaceful retire

Amidst a glorious ripple so vibrant

This shepherd’s respite

Was the gourds painted blue with pastel

Wherever they existed

Was a home, only where, time will tell?

So the same shepherd retired his sword and spoke,

"Dreams will be lived or so it is said"

And without a pause for any fright

The light turned off in his quietly loved homestead


When The Beggar Found Healing

Healing is a solution of the mind

This heart will begin to thump

Like children carrying their water from a well

The clouds eavesdrop with countenance of civil tears

The bell on the highest church found the heartbeat of

a beggar

Meager wages felt the song of a lonely manger

The heart wished it would for it rang true

The discipline of quietude; a solemn oath renewed

Cornered like a mouse full of bulging cheeks

The beggar found his token of a breath stifled by


Weeks of changing direction behind the moaning


Or the memory of the mother, his shiny locket never

would rescind

Time will tell, he asked the sky to remember

The quietude of the well water once upon his boyish


Bid remembrance to the sweltering sun over a newly

found bed

He would and will find healing for another day

The same way he smiled at the aged and fat alley cat

passing his way


Igloo Swan

Through the embankments and snowy troughs

Turning the body temperature down with icy coughs

Icicles penetrate through hearts worn down

To embody the ode of a man with eyes of a clown

No tremble has passed through his iron core

Only a strong voice amidst Eskimos of respected


The drilling of ice is no task of a dentist

These folk strengthen their might with an iron fist

For an iron fist beckons the gravity of a fight

A fight against starvation and a place to rest in the

cold dark night

For laws abide among men and women alike

Though their ship set sail and landed like a celestial


To warmer water...

A colder climate still dwelled in blood that boiled


Hotter than truth be told – a winded passage

These men salted their fish in the icy muck on the


But finally in another country where the flock has


A flight bespoken by the hounds of the Igloo Swan


What I Live For

I’ve traveled through silence

To a world that is bold

I staved off the vultures

For a morsel that’s sold

I’ve come to tell you

Laughter is not a choice

Though smiles retaliate

When those raise a tilted voice

For words come straight

Time to time

Though at another angle

They are brought back like a mime

Shapes are my oases

I’ve got one oasis

Plural becomes singular

When hearts and notes trickle and hiss

For I won’t copy you

Laughter is a steady friend

Unique and yet so true

So think before you spend


The More I Learn


To and fro

Dedicated to all we love and know

So fast


We recognize the pocket at last

To Pray

To stay

Hands find keys for the day

To believe

To Leave

In all we know or bereave

Yet we know

Yet we bestow

Now I understand the flow

The heartbeat beneath the land

The water above the sand

The sun will dry its tears and demand

A settlement


But this second I shall lent

A promise to myself

For a promise on the shelf

To be read like a cheery elf



The bind that holds like a tether

So instead of goodbye

I’ll say, “Hi!”

The more I try

Hold fast like a rock

Hold dear like a cherished sock

And open your mind for you will unlock


Walking I remember

The countless clouds and drops that

Meet the dimples on cheeks and whiskers of cats

These times The God listens and waits

And love flows on through a river beyond gates

Torn open by a shrill cry

Not the wind

He beckoned to call me a beginning

He beckoned to call me a time

I write my name as he calls me

I shine my shoes out of respect for the name

Now my time remembers me

A decade or so ago

When the cat purred the softest

And wiped the brow of Winter's early snow

Sail on to the sun

Sail on through tide as rough as splinters

Because it's these time I sing a plenty

It's these times summers shred winters

For a calm in his recent flight

I washed the memory of sailboats in the night

Sail on to the sun

With the feeling of coffee for what has begun


If You Find Her

Bells ring with a dance

Born with one chance

I couldn't remember the name

A fair handshake after the game

Reason I'd find one

Light on my face in a run

Looking for a look

Booking it for a book

I'd be the careful librarian

If I could care about carryin'

Those pages on back

Stories never would lack

So I read to the bell

Now I remember, you're William Tell

Caught up in class

Sports and books got me crass

So I'm back to the basics

I see that girl with the tan Asics

One life one dance

Maybe I could get another glance

And then tell her my heart

As it beats like water flowing in art


Be Just Be

Be my ears

I need your light

Be my focus

Rays straight as sunlight

Be my kind

I touched you with my might

Be my kindness

I finally see your insight

Be my message

The dream will awaken

Be my scope

My end isn’t taken

Be my start

I started with a pen

Be my verse

I think you’ll know when

Be you

I think you can

Be the realization

Of how alike you and I began

49. Betwixt

Woe to the bottom

Banks turn red like autumn

From the sore of my palms

That grips the book of psalms

Though I didn't read that bible

At least in a while for I'm trible

I'm a totem pole on the cliff

I'm the downhill hike with a leg that's stiff

I'm the relaxation of the ages

Woe to the man that turns auburn pages

In a book with no end

A burned signature for you my friend

So travel to the depths and heights

To grow the seed of which memory ignites

A leaf that fell to bid adieu to a well

The clock that turns the cheek, I'll tell

Woe to the man that sits and learns

Finding the tide that churns

Every race you'll remember to stop

Woe to the top


We walk like quadrupeds

When tired to our beds

We exist in dreaming

When the sun is no longer beaming

Tied and true

We believe we know what to do

Through trial and error

We reveal a hidden layer

Our light is the smiles and hugs

So I'm humbled by tiny bugs

They wiggle and squirm

We are alike to the bird and the worm

For the naturalist in society

To me is anybody with an inside that's pretty

Like mother bird to its chick

Just the right care does the right trick

So sing me a bird tune when I see a new day

The best song is the song unheard, hurray!


Buried in the depths

Creeps a widow

She stands watch

In the graveyard

Today is her rememberance

Recounting the days overlooked

Valuing the hatch that seperates

The flame from the wood

The chimney burns red

A smile touched the sky

But it wasn't the end

Her eyes denied the shadows the light

That kept the road to heaven lit

So she guides her deceased with a hand

A hand that guided the noble to a land

A praised land of milk but no honey

Though this one had trees that grew money

She lit the torch at the hallowed gates

Carrying the ghosts

To evermore

To evermore

The web of yarn she spun keeps out the evil

To evermore

For evermore

Thank you ma'am or widow from the deep

Now the stars will brighten the mystery

Of which you keep


Where is heaven?

Where does heaven stay among us?

For when the door closes amidst the gust

I turn to the radiator in the basement

It sits there with no reason in the heat

A careful wizard that took the backseat

Arms and legs pull our minds apart

But a singular heart reminds us that we are not far


The cold shakes hands with the heat in desperation

Until we find a norm in one nation

I’ll ask you again

Where does heaven stay among us?

Is it in the frigid or rising temperatures?

I think heaven is in the wind that soon will rise

To meet a conflagration and a friendly sunrise

For a new dawn will open the eyes of many

So let’s not get down on one unbalanced feeling

For one day the course will revolve among peace and


Heaven at last will cast its line and begin reeling

For an end

Just a beginning...


The Road Artist

Painted eyes

Dainty tied shoes

Love's prize

A balance of yellow and blues

Pencils within forgotten caves

The sky's the canvas

Driving on what the artist paves

The ground's the mattress

My head floats to space

Stars roll around in a flurry

The sketch keeps a steady pace

No need to hurry

The final product of a painted heart

Reds glitter and glow

From the pastels in a mobile cart

From a paper once as white as snow

A complete work to be admired

Charcoal outline

Then he's back on the road and tired

But he's doing fine


From a smile to a sound

From a sound to guffaws

It took one to start being heard

And another to follow silently with tiger paws

From silence in the shape of my inner laugh

It knows no bounds

Merry yet quiet as a hat

It resonates with earthly sounds

For the whales in the seas and fish in lakes have

touched it

My humor once so keen

A body still worth holding

But not as it would be seen

For these colors will not touch the eyes

Of people looking out

Speaking of a kindly virtue

The same inner peace is what I’m about

For these colors are found in my laugh

The same as in yours

For when we match in our conversations

A liberty fills our contented cup and pours

Before I speak out

I found I should always seize my own human heart

This way I will unfold my colors to anyone

While showing smiles from all on earth and to thus



His Smile Was Company

The old dog laughed at the crow

By his paws

The hide of a healthy animal

Darkened by age

Only dog years will turn the page

Beckoning the dogged years of his master’s pledge

Vowing to cross silver lakes, streams and alleys

The Galleys were no place for cats to crawl

Though the tongue of the ancient hound did fall

Not a lazy smile

But a persistent caring

For days upon eons as the winds begin turning

Fair days brought tears to the master’s eyes

For the company is but one man: the dog's only prize


When dust hits the flooring

Life’s a cup of tea

So I’ll keep on pouring

Like your best friend will always see

Eyes are bright when the winter turns like fallen


That which lights the way on the cold damp tile

Your inner grace and steadfast smile never clashes

That great memory – you should file

Beginnings always have their song

Far from the nest

For a bird knows his mother all along

Just as your heart knows you best

So keep on pouring

To come back to the home on the hill

And the angels will keep soaring

And fly on to the spring – I will

Your smile’s the best to bring

So your gifted sight pours steadily

Oh the notes we shall sing!

Up to the horizon to make me laugh readily


Aged Early of Early Season

Twas trust that bowed forth

Another hand humbled

Facing early light of the north

A broth droop’d and bundled

Sight of a caring father

My eyes did early see

Though encircled an offer

My heart fix’d to free

Early aged is the picking

Crops burst like red volcanoes

Ripe is the clock ticking

Farther south to heaven knows

I knew that old but intrepid door

The lark of symbiosis

Could interdepend even more

Twas reason that sent this


Tell a story to the ancients

For they always listen

Cause upon cause

The fish speak to me and glisten

For the light shines deep

Through waters never treaded

I can still keep

To the bread that stays headed

I broke out in song

To mouths full of words untethered

I remain apt

To the oxygen that pulses weathered

For beings upon one being

This moment of clouded judgment

My laughter abounds to the seeing

Broken gavel, the law not permanent

I stayed put

Though my words did travel

To the ancients

I hid every sour word with a broken gavel

And erased the accused laments

For every cause upon one affected

To live or to die

I aimed to be undetected

For my heart is but wind to the earth

I’ll write you my truth

A smile is all I have left

A constant and quiet way that ages like a tooth


Never Lonely

Tame light in the fire

The cold breaks the bread

Old hills don’t retire

Under the vacant homestead

Things do pass

I reason my friend would know

Touched the dark of an hourglass

The clouds tell time with their snow

Evening I swim the lake

One more lap

I won a friendly handshake

So I flipped a quarter to the chap

Besides the reason

The dog rests on his lap

To eventually awake to a new season

The wind befriends when wings start to flap

New in a way

Cornhusks feed the hungry

Though if you husk it to today

My message is never lonely


Turning Into One

A man

Fills a lake

With water

The size of an ocean

Vaster than the seven seas

Might discover the eighth

If we dig deep

I’ll keep my headlamp on

When I discover hallowed eves

I’ll stay turning

Like autumn leaves

To quench a fire

That is burning

Come again?

Oh that’s right

It is the lady of the lake

Sit tight

Mermaid laughter

Not a Siren

Or a myth

Or a happily ever after

She watches the rainfall

From my lap

On my windowpane

She’s not tall

Or short

She’s the wind

She’s the tennis court

Though there is no net

Only freedom to swim

And forget the sweat

I can’t forget her smile

The same man did smile

They both let it be

Together as one, I see


Rise the steam from coffee

I'll tip toe my earthly angel

For I don't want to shake

Or will I make another angle?

Love awaits over the cliff

Shackled to your words, stiff

and relevance

A kite flown like pants

That dance on the clothesline

So my kiss ran up a spine

Only to live below

In a dark aged dungeon, lo!

Said the man who did sow

The light lives together

The saint that sent me a feather

Fell from the sky

Only caught by the corner of my eye


The branch breaks with its falling leaves.

One plants it deep in soil until dusk spits this reason

back up

From the belly of dawn.

Attached are the ropes, which held truth by a swing.

This old tree is beholden more than ever

As its roots stick up through our earth

Like the spine of a hungry child.

Through feeding oxygen

We begin to cut the perennial from an ageless cloth.

It’s a fabric interwoven through the journey of time.

And Mother Nature reveals the branch that held that

swing and auburn leaves,

Which turned darker red on sacred floors, reminding

us to plant another.


For the second time

I bent low to dodge

A flying saucer called death chime

Which was built in my garage

Readied by swells of reason

It loses control

Just the storm of a season

It aims to obliterate my God

But I stay the course

My product is catching a cold

For I was once its source

Now it finally has been sold

To better hands

Devious robotic intentions

It flew over cryptic lands

To thwart any mentions

I told nobody

You might never see it

Though it flew from my study

Without the engine even lit

Standing on a Highrise

I see through my binoculars

A man of great size

He destroyed that which now concurs

Goodbye flying saucer

The blizzard of humanity tamed you

I'm glad I spotted her

I still laugh how that junky junk even flew


Laugher on the Rock

Your earthquake laugh shook the night

You broke my mantelpiece but revealed its fiery light

Perpetuating lanterns for the right cause

Lighting the road to the birds on the river moss

The birds took flight when they heard your cry

Or was it your laugh as an angel flew on by?

One man’s dream is another man’s telescope

So we see the bigger picture and begin to cope

Never shaken was the laugher on the rock

He still plans a flight with the gentler of his flock

Until the trees surround your common sense

You'll find his jolly echo return to silence


Change Far Change Near

Like a tune that comes around the bend

The notion of energy that will never end

For the life’s circle isn’t a square

For it returns to the center when you start to care

See a little care and you will do just fine

Like the rust on the doorknob or the roots of a pine

Walking through the door you gained respect for its


All those days in the forest in distant ranches

But now you’re back in the city

your view from your cubicle is hardly pretty

Though you forage and hunt with a keyboard and a


Similar to the ranch days singing your dreams in a

barn near the house

But I found dreams in the jazz clubs and stores with

outlandish clothing

So when I go back to that small town, I’m never


For I appreciate the wilderness as much as the hustle

and bustle

Though when I’m tired and down I’m brought back up

with leaves that rustle

So things I find the same give me hope

For when you give me that chance to change I’ll never

say, “nope”

The Pride

You entered a tunnel of prides

You get through it, just besides

Lions roar! This is the pride

Tied score! This is the ride

Lions roar! This is the pride!

There's a space where I sit

Under trees that are starlit

I beckon you to find me

You know that tree

You know what you see

The curves of oak wind down

You'll never find a frown

On the curves of my face

Smiles always replace

The fruit of the elm always will taste

Tastes like good times never waste

Now I sit on a cloud

I sure am proud

Proud of you

We belong to what holds true

Lions roar! This is the pride

Tied score! This is the ride

Lions roar! This is the pride!

One tear of joy is all I've cried


First we find the day

When morning comes I'll stay

In your mind

This heart I'll find

Will beckon to search until

The vines snap against my will

Though it will happen I might

Find Wisdom and beauty alright

So these trees we plant reveal your heart

Which was born in my arms from the very first start

Branches hold up the weary

Until we strain no more and at last are cheery

One seed of the oak

Will sprout after the rain will soak

The ground

This generation might feel found

So the trees smile with gnarled charms

Children learn from the journeyed with open arms


Cleanse the toxic

Remedy the sick

Fight the wheels of hate

Unlock love's gate

For the time is now

I sit on hay for a country cow

Unblended forgiving desire

Only took the feeling of fire

For what we need is to remember

Until time is blinded by December

And a new year commences

And I finally walk out beyond fences

To awaken the present

I took your caring as heaven sent

I'm spellbound by love

So instead of being low I look above

And my blood runs pure

As I was a baby, but now I'm sure


The poise

Will eliminate noise

Posture with smiles

Will abound 100 Miles

Proper etiquette

I can't forget

Come to the party and after

Indulge in laughter

The point is fun

The limit is beyond the sun

But we keep napkins on laps

While putting courage on maps

For adventurous taste

Eliminates waste

Counting on nature's gift

Is a sure bet to uplift

The animals around the globe

An animal doesn't dress in a robe

But a true king would free the zoo

Talking about what you would do

To give back to the original habitat

So think a little before you taste that

When you realize how good it is

You'll open your heart to hers or his

And just maybe

You'll put your foot forward to be free


Squeaky Shoes

There's a moment that comes

Like the whistling of the wind hums

This feeling comes once in a lifetime

So tune your ears as I say this rhyme

It smells of virtue like getting oneself up

When life pushes you down you see a half full cup

When the water is half full and the lot of them are just


These clowns never had you beat

So you face death with eyes that remind

They remind others of a heavenly bind

Something only born of virtue

Something every kind of folk can do

So I turn the other cheek

And walk away from trouble with shoes that squeak


Hands of Prayer

Lord have mercy

For I'm a foot soldier of democracy

I walk through the door you built

And have long been fond of the Irish kilt

Though luck we make ourselves

Forged from the dust that dwells

Dwells in the spirit of fortitude

So we will no longer be subdued

Let the fire in our hearts survive the rain

To vanquish tyranny and arrive sane

For an adroit foot is all I step with

And a careful hand like a blacksmith

Though onward I travel

To the bitter end on holy gravel

For the spiritual road you did pave

So I'm thankful for what our savior did save

Sometimes all I have is clasped hands

What The God tells us is to be steady like the tide on

distant sands


Focus my strength

Focus my love for you

Humbled at length

When time feels short, but true

I walk for your smile

Maybe I'll learn

I think of you all the while

I used to yearn

But now I just jump with joy

Fun overrides time

I was once your boy

Now I signal you like a mime

Only actions can talk

Never fake

I ventured to be like a rock

My love waits at the bottom of a lake


Sticking to you like a dog to a bone

I just found out I'm not alone

Though smiles can change

And hearts can rearrange

You calm me like still water

The same water that got her

Got her drenched and she did laugh

Didn't mean to push my better half

Though reason reasons alone

And giddy laughter I'm prone

Who always wrote a quiet letter?

But you in that silly purple sweater

Crossed the rocks of your God

Swim in the still water that is whole

Treading the water of the one

The one that finds me in the sun


Hold fast and hold steady

Lift your heart to the smokestacks and chimneys

For life isn’t taking away from what you thought

Though this surrounding light could break for a while

It won’t crumble forever

It will transform into music notes flying like sparks of

fire from high abodes

When the notes reach the astute ears of the earth


Grass begins to grow happier and trees nod with their

branches in appreciation

Healthy lungs breathe their first breath and legs soon

begin to walk

Careful youngling! Amidst these steps are triumphs

of the coordinated and balanced

The able-bodied listen to the gentle rain hit the iron

railing of the damp stairs

The railing on the stairs is what gives me peace

For I am young and still should hold fast to the kind

friend it does provide

And regards to anyone who beckons to find peace

and safety

Longevity marks the last step, but who is counting?

For happiness sparks in the moments we will want to


Aye or forget because we will hold fast and true to the

metallic railing

And provide a soothing word to those that speak for

the present

Because now is better than never

So constantly breathe and touch me heart to heart

I do so want to unfold the blanket of courage that

unveils when the stairs descend

So I’ll climb to ascend to remind myself of the old

friend that will never pass me by


I heard a cough from the clouds

with lightening darkness shrouds

Though it was really whispered

From the thunderous word

That flew from lips

silent as the page that rips

Though I closed the book

And then something really shook

My heart collapsed to the floor

And a smile walked through the door

Though I smiled I couldn't tell

That I was full again like a well

Though I didn't thirst

I forgot about the worst

And found out it was the best

I passed your test

So you come back distantly

Through my window instantly

When I just smile aloud

With volume of which I'm proud

And you come into my God

Like steam from the blackest coal


You’ve given me such existence

I seem to be aware of your presence

I hold your heart in my own core

I’ve found everything I’ve looked for

In such little time

In such little rhyme

To be aware of you through your eyes

I recognize the little things at a greater size

Let’s talk about living well

Though little time will tell

A mountainous gorge

A chipped mantle across the Valley Forge

George Washington held his right

So will us not empty our bitterness and take flight?

Lets bridge this human gap

The branches of wisdom’s tree won’t snap

So let us bend in unison and rise

Forever bonded in the enormity of our mutual size

So try bridging the great divide

It's up to one to decide


Antlers on the mountainside

Changing places within our hearts

Chewing on old cowhide

Before the fateful deed imparts

Together but alone to begin

Words only fill me like wine

Though sober or not is no sin

The King's tainted sign

Benign is the cost of love

The hills I've climbed

To look above

Never behind

So I Venture somewhere

Lines hide in the dust

Nowhere didn't care

Only the end in sight of the crust

The view is sure pretty up here

I'll hug you at last

Fill me a cup of cold cheer

To calm me because my heart's beating fast


I want nothing but peace in a world revolving around

war and spending

I give grace by putting my best foot to the race I'm


Though shelved in between the crashing waves I

looked on to it

It was the stunning rocky outcrop where the sea hit

So the tide puts a smile to those so torn

As does a smile gives pleasure to those who feel


So I run on until my eyes blaze like the sun

They light the light's departure when finding has


For inside the sea's cavern lies starfish

I empty my loads to give to another heart's dish

For food on the table is always worth spending

A healthy diet and my gift of the sea I'm lending

So succulent and absorbent life is

So I thank The God and give my heavy load a load off

for the gift is His!


Interpret the sea

Like one interprets fire and light

Evoke the mountain

As shelter evokes a wayfaring monk

Drink from the rain

That has not yet drunk from the earth

Remind a grasshopper to leap for joy

As one reminds another in the braveness

...Of transcending the trembling leaf

Trembling grows strong and unwavering

Like the harp of grace

The grace, which lives in you...


Reasons, banknotes, and callers

Seasons, hot oats, and dollars

I spell it all the time

I say it with this rhyme

To the archers and bagpipers

To the watchers and hitchhikers

I count them all the time

I say it with this rhyme

People, shoulders, and toes

The steeple, boulders, and The God knows...

I never blamed them for their time

I saw Him walk on water for a rhyme

To my beginning and a new friend

To what I sing to what I spend

I loved smiling all the time

So I’m never finished with this rhyme


How slow how slow

Will the tears flow

I let go

And the dark never knew

I knew where I'm going to

I know I'm getting through

What's enough what is enough

Though life will be rough

I stay honest with the simple stuff

How true how true

The light always knew

I knew where you were going to

How bright how bright

I know my angel will take flight

You're my angel for you are the light

How high how high

I'll find you angel and that's no lie

Even if I have to jump to the sky, my my

I cut the chord that bound your wings

And set you free til heaven sings

'Hark we are the believable things'

How real how real

When enemies become friends that feel

Feel the love that paid for every meal

Oh how I be

She flies with us together free

Even a sightless star could see


Floating in a tiny boat

In a moat

Surrounding a giant castle

A peasant paddling from the hassle

The hassle of following orders

Unfair demands from the quarters

A King who lost his way with speed

Down the road of thrifty greed

The peasant donated all his money

To a thrift shop that kept all the honey

But gave away all the coin

So Robin Hood and his merry men could rejoin

Sweetly goes the road to freedom

But the freeness lives outside a kingdom

Walls beget boundaries

Birds beget love that varies

For a bird locked up in a cage

Is the treachery of the age

So unlock these cages and doors

And the peasant will guide the cup of charity as it



Praise is forever

I pulled the lever

On a machine called forgive

Took out the dead feelings and reminded me to live

Hallelujah gives me hope

I climbed heaven’s rope

To find an old cowboy hat at the top

Reminded me to mosey on and never stop

So I tipped my hat to the waiter

But left my laughter on the table for later

So the next person sitting there smells my laugh

He smells a laugh from a million miles and a half

So people are thankful for when they eat there

This waiter is ready for any laughs, which he says

none compare

Guffaws, chortles, and snorts

To bellyaching laughs until my face contorts

Some come and sit full of giggles

And the waiter’s hand never jiggles

For he is calm as a whale

At the bottom of the sea smelling of stale ale

So plug your nose youngling

And open your ears as laughs start to sing


Oh 'Winged' sky

Cry like the rain

Take flight to conquer and remain

Steadfast ground

Speak no evil only good

As I build from the floor with sturdy wood

Pained and mortared walls

You stood your ground

The army has left with what you have found

What you have found; what you are about

You have found the well to end the drought

Stonemason brawn

The sky wiped it's tears

I settled to laugh for years

Brick by brick

The courtesy knowledge of which you speak

Has altered the ark which doesn't leak

Oh 'endless voyage'

Seeds firmly rooted

I balance on the sea heavily footed


What's the deal banana peel?

Shovels kick up what feet do with hands

Though monkeys have no quarrel swinging from

branch to branch

Catching the Santa Ana Winds is a fine thing to do

But I do it with gestures

With which I'm communicating with and to

So don't throw your banana peel at me friend

I would petition to catch it with my hat, but that what

would the appeal be of that?

So lend me your monkey-like gestures friend

The civilized world is simply a gateway to a hole

leading to the end

So let's do away with the walls we are building

And instead shield nature, which is in turn humanly



Soldier's Fairy

Soldier named Jerry

Believed in a fairy

He went to rescue a friend

Only to find a mend

A cure for the whole battalion

He rode with his bayonet and stallion

She found him at the crossroads

Pixie stick in hand with magic codes

This fairy could use radio magic

Little fairy with Jerry did the trick

The fairy's magic radio

Jerry spoke in it so slow

As if he knew the time would come

He took out his locket of his fairy mum

Imagination wins the battle

And Jerry smiled on his saddle

He rode away with good news

So put yourself in Jerry's shoes


Song That I Mean

I feel a reverie

I feel a calm

I write how I see

I sing a psalm

I feel cold water

I feel red wine

I write, as the days get hotter

I sing what lyrics are mine

I feel a breathing tree

I feel a warm breakfast

I write since you're feeling me

I sing to those glass hearts breaking last

I feel your improvement

I feel your cause

I write a letter to be sent

I sing to your countries laws


Dust hides underneath a park bench

Water hides from the need to quench

Insatiable quickly turns to feed

Regardless of the economic need

Did you read the news?

Jobs opened for people who can cook quick stews

What if the market collapsed in the year 2095?

Then I’d be under that park bench barely alive

But I tell you what

A few dusty quarters in my pocket to fill my gut

And a tax deduction

since I’d still be working the Stew Luncheon

So let’s ideate so the market won’t collapse

And that stew might be followed by a kiss perhaps


To be is to fill

To see is to be still

To love is to breathe

To see above is to conceive

To parish is to remain

To fish is to relieve the pain

To fly is to walk

To spy is to flock

To eat is to behave

To treat is to save

To smile is to believe

To smile is to relieve

To laugh is to the God

To halve is to the whole


Sparkle and shine like the The Goddess of the moon

Diana embodies Lysander's strength in the sky, but

asleep at noon

Only to awaken with light's reality

and the dark's tranquility

Her cosmic Eyelashes felled to earth like meteors

among stardust

I wiped my eyes and pardoned my ethereal lust

Until I met The God I smiled like Mars' ring

Married by a Greek wedding and plethora of heavenly


For a new dawn had risen

While Diana freed Lysander's God from an earthly



An apple is an apple

A pear is a pear

Fingers learn to grapple

And soon learn to repair

A body is somebody

A period is no one

Only when you study

A friendly sentence for fun

Exclamations are for lovers

Rhythm is for a friend

Meaning falls like rain but hovers

To invite rainbows to bend

Time is a space so wide

Couldn’t calculate the Grandfather clock

Only entranced by its solitary pride

The timekeeper is for those steady like granite rock

The peacekeeper is for those who unite kin

Smiles were born anew

The Grandfather’s clock chimed “begin”

When days became moments without further adieu


I’ll sacrifice my insecure


To a world that’s wide

I’ll hide the pain away

For a while

Venturing another mile

Who is to say?

The stage should be shared

I always dared

Fighting inner ghosts

Of an angel’s smile

“Stay a little while”

Yes we should prepare

To always support

As steady hand will sort

Life’s break will fix

Another forever

It’s now or never

Another side this time

Keeps ticking

For my heart that is kicking

These ghosts disappear

In the moon reflected on your eye

Which secures a sun in the sky


The dog lies on the floor bittersweet

Curtains of determination never deplete

Only reveal the eager sun slowly

On the chipped mountainside I find so holy

Maybe a trek I’ll take with my trusty dog

We’ll mark the path and burn many a log

For campfires mark the day

Alone with my pawed friend to say

“Merry is the time”

Until we are back at home like a steadfast rhyme

And he hears what I find silent

Though enthusiastic he always knew what I meant

And I rub his tawny hide

To massage him for the next ride


Do what you will my friend

Life is as short as a tree trunk

Find what you will to no end

The ship hasn't sunk

Put faith in the oars of which you paddle

Take aim in the long journey

On the tarnished saddle

Take in the great breeze of what you see

For life begins through the universe's window

Take heed to those that hear

For they know how the planets glow

On that starry night you started near

you took a plunge far from below

You were always a celestial being

Breath by breath

So it takes grounded feet to start seeing

One window is fortified to it's death

Let's not forget that

I sit on the tree trunk waiting for my lover

I wouldn't fell the tree on which I sat

So I helped the youngling see another


Footsteps mark a path

One by one, it's easy math

Our hands grasp reason in our lives

Love only flies away like butterflies

But what goes will come back like a friendly tide

So open your door, there is no reason to hide

The ocean air fills the room

I know our hearts boom...

To the heartbeat of the beaten path

So I'm back finally...counting easy math

Silvery fish swim and slip between your toes

You've finally made it and this time The God only



Likened to Chance

Like an interpreter

Like even life's blur

We focus our tongue

For songs to be sung

Infinite is the birth of our time

The human's reason to rhyme

Because on the next page

Is a heart of a sage

That heart bears your name

So sing for the many that play this game

Your quest is without doubt

Your words spring without drought

For water is the answer to meet

Shake the hand of and greet

Your maker

Like you interpret the taker

Like life's dance

We sing for the chance


Until a new day

Bid adieu or say

Thanks man you are strong

Like a cast-iron prong

Used to eat

Or a fork that feeds my heartbeat

Thanks man you are you

No one else so bid adieu

See you when we climb as men

See you when I loose ink in my pen

Or a history book of my savior

For I’ll be sure on my best behavior

When you come down I won’t resist

A handshake or a bump of the fist

So welcome day

I’ll start with hello and then I’ll pray


On a thin stretch of land

My acuteness did expand

Lost none, but the creation itself

Were we afraid of the bookshelf?

Lunch boxes and a silver spoon

None of the kind I took from the womb

To say and deliver

I stood on a sliver

I stood on this land

I held your hand

In spite of it all

In spite of the fall

Humankind's own newfound desire

Is my own measure within the fire

For I took distance and calculation

On my thin stretch of land of imagination

It was reality that caught you

At that moment you could make it through...and I was

with you all the same, too


I walked up to the mountain and you know what I saw?

I saw a cloud up in the sky

The feeling was raw

Up so high! Up so high!

I said to myself it looked just like your heart

We were in a sky so blue

I said to myself it looked just like the start

With a feeling so true

Let’s climb that mountain up so high

So let’s have some fun

Then we will hold hands and give it a try!

We run light since we don’t weigh a ton, but a ton of


Two hand touching like a game of tag

I’ll follow you up the mountainous rims

With the heat of the sun in our hands when we snag...

A couple of river drinks with our tired limbs

But we’ll keep on going

To touch the cloud as white as a dove

But we’ll keep on growing

Growing with love

So when we come back home with our merry cheer

I’ll smile and laugh

When thoughts and giggles bubble up like brewed


Then I’m calm and aged like my hiker’s staff...with a

sore calf


I ventured far to find the verse yesterday

But it landed on my paper today

I included it with a message to you

This message goes deep and is very true

Take a deep breath, no need to sigh

So let’s tap our feet without a word passing by

I continue to believe that I am behind this verse

I have a clean tongue and certainly don’t curse

It goes like this one time a day

You give someone a smile to replay

The cost of the gift is free

You can give it without paying a fee

You will find traces of it never erased before you

know it

Because underneath lies a cheery heart below it

First with the heart

And then the brain will start

To unravel the plan that exists in a laugh

It’s like the beat of a hiker’s staff

Every other step at a quickening pace

It’s the jump of humanistic embrace

The verse goes like this

One will smile then two will kiss

When three hold hands

Finally four will decide to make plans

See friendships multiply

I’m telling the truth, no lie

So believe in yourself

Because a smile is a sign of good health and inner



Smile and laugh, you have much to earn and bring!!


Take me down to the town

To buy you a gown

Penny in my pocket

With your picture in a locket

Remember when you sang so loud the roof caved in

Not literally, but when you do that I feel like I win

Because songs are seeds from the heart

So pass them down to the next part

Or generation if you will,

It’s when people learn to forget the bad and earn their


Because being sober keeps a few pennies in my


And a smile on your face in my silver locket

So when the rooster does what a rooster does

A hen will be waiting for him in the pen just because

Just like I wait for you

With a few pennies in my pocket and a locket that

holds so true

So take me down to the town

To buy you a special white gown

Life is just because you’re mine

We complete one heart and we will do just fine


To fly is to float and flee from the fistful hits

For violence only vindicates but never permits

History might repeat the relapse

But who will dig deeper than destitution perhaps?

So again we fly to flee from a tizzy

Lets put aside any bigotry and set our minds to busy

A state of constant mindfulness is desired

Without bullets there exists missiles of deceit that

aren’t fired

But these missiles weigh a lot heavier burden than a

ton of bullets

So let’s have lighter thoughts and possibly shaved off


That look in the seventies is so outdated

I ran back in time faster than Alfred Hitchcock made

film reinstated

The Birds is a film that truly did fly

It encapsulated emotions and reason to the untrained


So when we capture a moment in time

We might again regain our favorite line

If we stop our fussing over racial correctness and


We will finally delve deeper to awake an austere


I mean austere, simple and gritty

Because life is short, but long to the young and witty

So we remember the lonely years that hid in the

blackest caves

Only to light the energy of fire candlelight saves

It’s a recycled emotion that I’m talking about here

It’s a recycled can of dark brewed beer

It’s time we let the soberness hit

To stop violence and make our reflection fit

Let’s look into the mirror

We are past the days of the whip of the overseer

So let’s hold hands and smile

since hate is a shorter distance to death than love is

all the while


Gentle ways

Holding hands to begin the days

Light in your eyes, I see it clear

It’s when I know I belong to what I hold so dear

Took time to defend like a fencer does so well

I defended myself by having something good to tell

Before a foul word or a comeback let’s say

A gentle word will be coming your way

So stop and remember, you have a lot to count on

Although at times you were a simple pawn

You can be as steadfast as the rook

So smile and believe, that’s all it took

It took years to build what’s all around us

From the roads to the neighborhood school bus

But you see it was done with some grit, but a lot of


So when you think positive, you’re walking at the right


So I’ll venture on and smile

Because gentle ways will make me a gentleman to

walk the mile


Over the mountains in the east

I’ll fly closer to you than ever before

I lost the fight to my inner beast

Though it ended in an even score

I’ll try the emptiness once again

In my body I’ll let lose the pain

I’ll write to you again

In my heart I scream but sound it sounds sane

For my voice hasn’t risen

In years over years

Once stuck in a prison

Freed by tears and tears

Shadowed by wisdom

We overcame the drought

Dreamt of the freedom

The kind those mountains are about

So let me walk to the river

I’ll be sober and clear

You will be by my side like a quiver

I’ll drink and calm every fear


May the songbird sing today?

For a breath of air lifted me away

Was it the breeze or slice of cheese?

Was it the trees or a hive of bees?

Questions that concur

To the pattern of cheetah fur

For the miracle of life still astounds me

I rest on the truth that won’t flee

For my feet touch the ground like a promise

Arms reach out to touch you like a rosy kiss

So I’ll plant another flowery bush

I’ll embrace you with a hug and I’ll never push

Only to keep on the honeysweet and breezy side of


So I’ll sample the cheese and put away my knife

And sing to you softly like a bird to the wind

I’ve got the date in my calendar pinned

106. Free

Woke up on the salty sea

Easy come and easy go on a sailboat named Free

Though I felt most alive

When death was quiet as honey in a hive

Life is the flower that welcomes the bees coming and


And sometimes it’s The God that sends us in the

lifeboat rowing

So when the bees finish humming their tune

And the waves settle to sleep under the moon

I know that buzz and swash of the sea will welcome


On my earnest friend, the sailboat, named Free


When dirt cakes your shoe

Kick it off and renew

When time’s hand brings an hour

Give an old lady a flower

When the boxer gets up and spits blood

Hug your ally the hardest and friendship will bud

When teardrops fall to the floor

Try to smile that much more

When the sun sets in its bed over the hill

Sing hallelujah and make it your will

When expressions are lost in the sea of life

Plant a flower and hope the gardener sharpens his


When the man cuts it for the bouquet

Run to greet your loved one like an Olympic relay

When you touch hand in hand

Remember the seeds you’ve sewn in Father’s land

When your Mother sees you smile

You’ve finished the race and flowers will soon pile

When you pick those victory petals off the floor

Take a bow for the ones who will be your true family



I drank the horn or cup

Planted in the ground up

Planted away from sound

Harmony will abound

And love casts a white shadow

Unseen image of at the village row

They stood invisible and in a line

I pulled at the ground and leaped from my spine

For a mystery of creation did abound

Cast from the sun’s sound

The sound of the future

Let’s not whiteout our culture

For color is born from human grace

And can ignite the dark of animalistic face

So smile at a lion and grin at a tiger

Because we are so the same in every fiber

What’s forbidden tastes so good but will rust

Rusts with time so vegetables I trust


As the trains venture home

Onward I’ll roam

For my destination is not hidden

Things for her sake were forbidden

Chained to trees

Unlocked by the freedom breeze

So do I light a candle to my homely voyage?

Or do settle for her upsetting letter over porridge?

For she is my mother

Since birth I have awaited no other

For my mind is simply alone and happy

Like the tree I only feel inner peace from hands that

turn sappy

For a touch I never recalled from my mother

Since birth I have felt no other

For peace amidst inner warmth is all I desire

A lost job to a peacekeeper that will almost hire

Me? Do I fill the space?

I seek to be fulfilled and fulfilling is a job I embrace

For time does a man time

As does the rhyme to a word that’s mine

So I search for that lover

Turned by the compass to that significant other

110. Broken

In my lethargic state I close my eyes

The light breeze closes the door to a shut

The deeds of the past I do not despise

Your riddance has molded the path I take

It reveals how o so soundly I sleep

Apathetic and void of any break

A choice is the fair card life had dealt you

The long twisted cave of the Minotaur

Is the big door you happily walked through?

I walk on the promising road I paved

Crying on your knees begging forgiveness?

Something this easy a long time I craved

A phone call might console you mentally

Evoking the hope of something to be



You take my breath away like a lucid dream

You’re the one with eyes that beam

Should I run?

Shimmer like a tuna in the sun

Your smile is the link in Orion's Belt

From what is long and heartfelt

I love your smile so

Like plants in rich soil grow


I Wear a Pin

After a cold drip in the night

A small window blows open with light

A voice in the hand of somebody doing right

Messages from far away get muddled in the rain

We hear what we see to feel blood in the vain

I smile at no arrow back to the lonely road

Though my path has been lonely, I wait in my abode

Time is a package and we kindly ask for more

Good tidings in hand with legs that are sore

So long this path has been


I’ve waited years for my good scout pin

Sprinkle some salt on - But I still want my buckets of


get funky with that pepper - But I still want my

buckets of gravy

I like my food hot and spicy - But still need buckets of


you can't steal my food - cause I'm loaded with

buckets of gravy

crawling on my hands and knees to my food - I still

need them buckets of gravy

charge me those fries - I still want them buckets of


dance the salsa with the chicken - I still want the

bucket of gravy


Clouds in space

my mind stays clean i need not leave a trace

I'm finding my way the The God's design

Remember love to sit and think about time

Stories of Jesus, turning water into Wine

But something comes deep from the Core

But something comes high and mighty and helps me

to see more

I find dignity in man with Hope

I'm climbing the steps with seeing eyes through

Galileo's telescope



The God gave man purpose with skill

I took the quill for writing to fulfill

To a new field in a bountiful atmosphere

See stars in heaven and hear the stories we hold so


May The God concur in the dreams we are sowing

Catching the stars like fly balls and to our teammates


So young in might one still finds the threads

Until we never thirst again and bow our heads

Holding hands

In the stands

Until the curveball from man misses the catcher’s


Another pop fly to the outfield above

By: Thomas Halley


The Mark of Galileo

Out of the Dark in a light Halo

From the motion to stillness

From when we stand together to fulfill this

This idea of pride this idea of love

love in hearts we cry for heavens dove


Like a light switch

light comes in faces glow

people open their eyes

the love does show


like catch me in an electric standstill

my heart is like a virus flowing into an ever flowing


a virus that sees pleasure as an entity but consumes

exposure to serenity

serenity to adventure to the cause

the cause might be famine

but I can feel the people's freedom and what they


no blame but answers is the ever going cause


A Wall of Picket Signs no limits from these concrete

cracked lines

Time to Look up the feeling you bite the bullet the

clock strikes 9

Your wading in deeper waters you expect no heat

from the martyrs

Courage is like the donut at your work the glaze is the

adversity now slipping through your fingers

you keep friends with a jerk by showing him your

drive is his perk together the positive affirmation


Dream of the coffee smell roasted beans hoping the

customers all is well

Only a stopwatch in a wishing well

Only a stopwatch in a wishing well


Pumping antioxidants into my body your vitamins

thrill me

a thrill seeker I have been so long it does it as a frog

would climb a tree

This one's for the doctors, lawyers, and the zebras in

the amazonian night

Black & White equality just like MLK sees the light

This one is for the partiers and fiesta going Anglicans

Let's talk to our pride but at the end of the day we

pray at the same table as good Americans

Feathers are light but the weight still carries on

Weather vanes, birds take flight, carrying the seed of

spring on strong

A lovely carousal, a testament to the giants that stand


the small joys of life like a dog playing with a tennis



walking with that old shoe that you carry hand it to

the next man jiving like old queen marry

What growing on that shoe you just don't know smells

like fungus for a fun guy things gotta go

Running through the halls pull a left like a U-Haul back

and forth it's a tug a war from the north

cold and shivering like the north poll it's space

cowboy penguins and they got a southern droll


Standing lean tall and green like the Statue of Liberty

Fanning back and meditating to the great Leaders in


It's time to regain love and refrain from violence and

pray to the heaven above

Love your neighbor as thy self Don't be afraid of the

book on the highest shelf

Plane goes out in the horizon like wind to a flame

A candle of courage the wax drips down like roots of a

tree into forage

So as we keep our spirits let's us thank each other and

The God for our porridge


buy me out like the last train ticket available

I want to make it to your show I transform like

pictogram on cable

Sticky like an adhesive kite

I'm breathless in the night

I make it fizz like the sprite right

Don't have to butter me up because i've got the sauce

dripping down

I'll wait for a while to make sure the vibe is a smile

from a frown


Did you hear the news A UFO just landed where

martians play the blues

the plot thickens as the Detectives try to use their



So a story unfolds where Straightjacket men lay down

their clues

A clueless martian wanders aimlessly in the night

The first star he sees he signals the UFO to flight

A galactic drama ensues only now it's not the blues it's

rock and roll

And these martians try to capture every God

One solemn martian wakes up wearily at three forty

five in the morning

He's yawning sips on some galactic coffee and his

space ship he is flooring

He doesn't believe in this concept that the evil

martians are conceptualizing

He believes in good over evil and his love for all

planets is what he's trying to get others to be realizing


We call ourselves the Panda Buchaneers

We're bamboo swash bucklers we've been doing it for


Here comes the head panda with a pep in his step

He means no harm but he will protect (yep)

Quick bite of bamboo, pandas floss

Don't get worn out like a shoe because the panda is a

fast as boss


sometimes when i'm two steps back and your love is

two steps ahead

I try not to dread

I leap with a smile from bed

The love kindles and I remember the trueness of what

was said

let's hold true we live in a rainbow understanding

when we're blue

let's hold true we live in a rainbow understanding

when we're blue


this is a song for me and my dog to get along

I can't lie but I can lie down on the floor with no need

to try

when I'm with my dog because my dog can fly yeah

my dog can fly

this is a shout out to all my dog lovers you know

what's it's about

love you all from the tail to the snout owners and

dogs both catch frisbees with their mouth without a


this song is always to be continued because a treat to

my dog and the love is renewed

the love is always the same

my dog and I can play a game


Freedom writer freedom fighter now turn the page

From the dust like a moth in the shadows his face

shows age

Do what's right for one's temperance like an old sage

It does one justice aside the lone man who handles

the muck

So much gravity has been laid down this day but the

message has stuck

Follow what your own message will show

Own up to what you got and let the lantern of courage



What is loveless madness?

It’s not correct, its loving sadness

Don't thumb your nose just because we don't live at

the same address

Progress like software it might wear and tear

Drilling into your mind like a construction drill I could

hardly bear

I find you most

When I’m not staring into the eyes of the ghost

I look at the cause because it's not Halloween yet.

I feel like I'm just using toothpaste without dental


I go slowly over the riverbed of your love trying not to

slip on the moss


A bubbly bereft bear bows his head benignly

a king in kingston jamaica sits at his throne claiming

nothing is free

smarter than the average bear older than than crown

of england

which kingston are we talking about it's a travel on the


Stir your coffee and sip your tea with the correct


This is see more justice so send your bargain plea to

the judge

This is see more muddy waters but we have rain

boots on to trudge

The vault is open but we cannot carry the treasure

with out the key to budge oh fudge


The tattered flag

The honored gig bag

The all-seeing liberty tower

A beacon of light power

The willingness to do what’s right

The need to keep peace when all we want to do is



Tag in space my rover floors

watch out out for the meteors

our time is short as our shuttle needs to make it


I spy a creature with 6 shifty eyes we're not alone

a game we played at home in the dark

now we're older in an extraterrestrial space park

dashing through gravities restrictions

we remember when the fun truly does begin

in our hearts together us and even aliens win


my hunger won't clarify the feeling in my heart

enough to know the starvation the help needs to start

The lasso sways gently in the wind

I feel the calf run swiftly with his kin

He's trying to begin yeah he's trying to begin

a word spoken so softly a word of triumph

but triumph may wake in the world so slowly

like a farmer breathing the air a feeling of holy

like a farmer breathing the air a feeling of



a shepherd tends for his sheep

as a cloud in the distance covers mother natures


this is triumphs way of saying let's love the good

stories we keep

keeping the beating drum a part of my heart

The God I remember your teachings of love meets

help and help meets the start


My heart sings as the butterfly lands on the tree

My heart yearns as the other butterfly flutters so free

the butterflies bask in their meadows they ask

questions in the sun light

Miners in the caverns their lamps shining bright

can we look closely to understand

the mystery of the land

put our ears closely to palms of our hands

soon to be a starry night and we gaze at the horizons

wondrous bands

the radiant rainbow resembles the remembered rain


I try to follow the butterflies but I'm turned like a

weather vain

Softer than a maidens brow the seats of my carriage

await me now

but this is nothing of the essence of regal

This is the salty beach in distance and watch from

from a lone seagull


sit around for a while

thinking about running the mile

my lunch is sitting on the t.v.

I run to the t.v. turn it on to see

a voyage oh look it's captain crunch

it's not breakfast I want to call it lunch

I reach for my fry I'm transported into the t.v.

the captain says make haste not waste

I think he wants me to swab the deck just to have a


He said so ahoy matey I said ahoy not much lately

Let's have a talk you know when I was three

a long time before I filmed this commercial for free

My father served me a few peanuts and said get

aboard fisherman on my ship

I want you to be on the lookout until we get to Canada

to watch the Tragically Hip

I said ok old man but I didn't call him old man I yes Dad

I want to be Fan

He said I want you to be a man when we get there I

want you to order me food as fast a you can

After days of eating peanuts and fish, once we hit

Canada I was prepared to get him the right dish

I walked into the concert it was very loud

covering my ears people blurting their mouths they

must been proud

I ordered him an enchilada

He said looks like you just came from the Spanish


I said please sir just give me food

He said well geez good thing your not rude

I gave it a taste no one was looking near

My dad was just getting off the ship with pirate jeer

Before I could think the food tasted very crunchy

I ran to my dad I said hey captain I mean hey dad

here's lunch see

He said you may call me captain and this tastes

crunchy hm wasn't free

I started a band called Captain Crunch

we were inspired from the tragically hip they said

thanks a bunch

So I said dude just make it a cereal

At this point I was really missing my fries, Foreal

So Mr. Captain Crunch gave me a free cereal box

I was transported back to my living room with my

knocked off socks


The God you have anointed me & my path

I hopefully can be better at math


A fox stuck his nose in a pair of red socks wondering

who they belonged to

The fox's Grandpa woke up checked his pocket watch

from 1962

Stumbling out of Bed got his paws on a good book he

always wanted to have read

It was a memoir about a faun

Jingling and jangling about the world

He roared with laughter and book and him always got


Yeah he always got along

The fox with the pair of socks ran to the local

creamery and said

This milk it gives me the giggles and why do you all

work in sandals with socks that are red

A worker cleared his throat with a menace and said sir

my names Dennis

I said Dennis why don't you put on some shoes and

play tennis

Meanwhile the Grandpa turned to the next chapter

entitled the Faun's Moment to Capture

The Grandpa put down his book and said I want a Faun

whom with I'll live happily ever after

So the Grandpa found himself in a cave with a Faun

with a smile he said behave

This Faun seemed to have a fashion sense

The Grandpa and he walked into a store and found

clothes on sale that would fit his body that was dense

He picked himself a red corduroy jacket with neon

glasses no style could crack it

The Grandpa was exuberant and ready to show his

Faun off to his Grandson

He went by the creamery to get his favorite yogurt


The Grandson was there. He was waving his paw at the

worker and about to burst

This was a first.

The Grandpa said hold on now this Faun has the

answer he's as smart as the cat in the hat

The fashion expert Faun said my jacket matches your

red socks now look at that

The worker stood aghast and said I haven't seen

something this hip in years

The Faun gave him a hard look in the face this brought

them both to tears

The Faun said to the Grandson those socks are red

someone might have lost them and be very blue

A worker overheard the conversation and happy to

see his socks said this is very true

The Grandson said red is very nice color He said Hi to

the Faun you look like my Mother


We're shipmates in the new millennium

Let's scale these walls we brought plenty of dim sum

I can try to relate to the conquered bust

but all I see is ashes ashes as my dreams turn to star


Vision of fire in a crept up in a dragon

Do we start once we've know it's begun

Do our telescopes see the flag of our past on the


Or is this atmosphere still friendly grounds for

satellites as I presume

Roads were built here on this earth

A sculpted hand chisels a meteors girth


Cat's playing it's piano on the roof

It's hailing on the roof

now it's raining on the roof

Cat's playing it's piano on the roof

it's haling on the roof

now it's raining on the roof

got my umbrella said The God I love you but what I

can I tell ya

I climbed up on the roof and a banjo fell from the sky

before I knew it I was strumming the chords and the

sun came our way

yeah the sun came our way


Clouds the morning dew

An airy laughter filled with chili residue

These are the times I come to The God

Sometimes when I feel the ache in my heart I just Nod

Windmills planted in your earthy ground

The clock ticks and turns into time I found

Sweat drips down a weary shovels grip

Sun beams down and smiles while fisherman catch

fish that flip

Sometimes they come down a hill with a painted face

in haste

or is it just the shade of crimson that I can almost



As soon as the queen picks up her fork the crowd

goes silent what's this mess in the hall guy to turns his

phone to vibrate I hear a cry it's violent I can here the

man pick up the guitar behind her no one sees him I

call one of the messengers inThe mayor the hallway


There's a match that shines in this tunnel

The mayor happily sits down to enjoy his cake it's


There's a band of fists because the wind has been

throwing punches

The mayor munches

His advisee sit's at the window looking at crow that

waits at the foot of the hill

There's a crowd that won't sit still

The mayor's unwavering eyes tears soon fill

Putting down his fork he wipes his beard with his


He wait's for the day he will call this ruckus fin

But it's not the end

and to this atrocity another crumb to the alley cat he

will lend

It's time for new declaration and good riddance

good riddance

His poignant pose perspires as he stands a gaze at the

plumb pastry he wants to meet

Theres a desert store at the corner of every street

The mayor decides no more ruckus people I will feed


The peaceful connoisseur declares I will happily lead


It's a feast

and there is desserts at his table as the mayor smiles

from west to east

He yells with joy peace at last

No more riots people don't need to pretend they

have to fast


Trees glisten

Teeth smile they listen

My mouth is open

I tell the fly you can't come in

It's the pen ultimate drawn lightly in pencil

Duly noted it's a microphone stencil


The cat sleeps soundly on the swing

dreams of milk and mice on the dance floor doing

their thing

It's cold in the park the frost is the alone birds friend

in the dark

An Eskimo cups his hands holding the bird's chirping

with his might

He might let him go with a breath in the warmth of his

jacket he is out of sight

Notes of bird chirping he writes them on paper to

remember the rhyme

Carefully setting the bird in his backpack he readies

himself for a good time

He met this bird not so long ago

alone with a hurt wing where the evergreens grow

He cared for this bird so the wing healed fast

He planned to climb a mountain to find it's kind so it

would be free at last

He climbed the mountain the cold ridges he went


Holding The God's rhyme close to his heart he found

the song

Finally he came to the top

the clouds turned and he exhaled the mist at a stop

Taking the bird in his hand

he let the bird fly so he could be with his kind secure

in another land

The cat woke up from his sleep

and he jumped to his feet

He knew in his heart he would always keep this dream

And no matter the distance one his apart we are on

the same team


The clouds must be on vacation because when the

sun peers through my window I turn my music on

with no hesitation

hardly a word was spoken until a bird uttered a vowel

the clown sits in the for boding circus and throws in

the towel

love is like light,

it's friends with the wind,

but keeps the candle shining bright

I've been stacking dominos like Mason's have been

stacking bricks

Dough flies out of the oven like a frisbee my dog

catches it and does these tricks


Steam rises in the dog house like there's a clock on

the oven Momma your blocking the doggy door he's

checking when to serve the muffin, but get ready for

Canine tofu slider He's got his aviator mask and he's

going to ride a glider.

Thou Loves What I Dost Love


I love this thing

I love listening to the birds deliver their fig mail to


I find no revel, but my worship in reflection for


A student’s eyes in society’s prism

A flower petal still grips the sand

With a titan hand

It was the galloping freedom amidst the spinning


It was The God smiling at the flint brushed away by

the broom

By: Thomas


Up on the baseball plate like stick of gum pounding on

the ground like a drum

This makes me sweat like a stamp with a heartbeat

And this one's pepper but I remain salty like the

Battalion Fleet

In the ocean love in nature's envelope like a sea


The wind is like the curtains with freedom smooth as


It blows the clouds that form a mountain besides a


I come open with arms wide for the bend

I do squeak like a turkey

Throttle the volume on boss headphones eating


wait this is Thanksgiving (whisper)



Franks eyebrows are black he wins every staring

contest and is as sharp as a tack

He walks with great prestige because he was on a


no one counted the seconds on clock

because in minutes he runs to school like meteoric


because before the big hand made his move he had

his backpack on and was ready to groove

He drew in his book about Neville Chamberlain he

wanted to be a professor and hang with the right kin

he wanted to play Rugby

he tried hard and did hang with the dean

his smile did gleam

but one day

things got hairy

he prayed to mother mary and road thunder lit tears

up a waterfall of passion

the world was turned upside down he smelled The

God's hoppy brewed beer and heard his fists smashin'

But once he opened his eyes the hands were catching

petals of winded fluidity

The rugby ball was caught and the feeling of sacred

never did flee

From the lake and the meadows to the sprinkler in

the shadows Frank sees the light

What I can do

you ask the question

why does the bird circle around you

It's Friday and Frank smiling gladly

at an oak next to my parked car pooped on sadly

What I can do

Frank the bird takes flight like John Dillinger making

his run in the night

I ask my pet barn owl to be nice to the guy

he says hoot hoot alright I will fly

Frank kept smiling

chirping and circling

our heads were whirling

How are we going to get the darn bird

we have to give him back to Frank the owner I'm tired

of the word

Finally we put up trap on the height of Franks now

favorite perch

We hoped the twigs wouldn't snap and we wouldn't

have to resort to our slingshot made out of birch

3 hours later

Frank the bird was caught

or at least what thought he was and an acorn fell and

we said thanks a lot

it was squirrel Franks new friend

we thought it would never be the end

What I can do


Early in the morning the sun hits the toaster and glints

with light

I put on my morning shades sunglasses it feels

friendly and bright

I jump on the couch read a book than stretch no


Toast pops up I pounce


Kum ba ya a song of praise

Let us hold true throughout the days

Mighty towers, trees and flowers

Let’s be thankful of The God’s powers

Let those powers show equilibrium and


Lets us love life, smile, and give presents


Sampson the wind is stronger than you

You plant your feet on the ground

You moved those pillars The God believes what you


I believe what you do


I run through the clouds

When I see your face

When I’m in this place

I run through the clouds

When I’m in this place

When I see your face

Streaming colors in this river

Red White and Blue

Colors of our nation

A mountain of pride

From the distance it look like a bird that is still

Running Cross-Country it’s our will


Freedom Music

I am a battling frog who croaks of peace in the fog

I am the dog that walks out of the bar

I hear Frank Sinatra singing from afar

In my dreams owl talons pick me up by my shirt and

drag me to the mountain

I know the liberty bell I’m throwing coins in liberty


By: Thomas Halley


Chilling, walking in the park

Smiling, like Luke Sky-Walker

Learning, the fog soon clears

Hoping, and I dry my tears

Now I smile as I walk to and fro

To the village it warms me the Eskimo


I try to keep an open mind

There is a lovely rewind

And I’m panning for gold on blustery day

In a tin dish floats a mix tape it’ floating a way

I grab a long stick, it’s roots looked like hair

A cold step splashed in water I lunged for it with care


Birds flying high and I feel good it's the seed that is

planted where I stood because I know we all love

from the distant land I speak with words but the

music comes from the guitar with my hand


Life is like a crocodile scaly and all

When you get to the tail you have to stand tall

Splish splash in the water the scientist jots down a


this crocodile is hardly afloat


Sweet Joy

A new Horizon

Horses they pull the carriage I smile at the new


because I am happy also

Sweet Joy

A new Horizon


I am a snail I am a snail I am happy you didn’t step on

me You learned your lesson with The God I know you

Got Bail For I am a snail In My Imagination, I saw Jesus

walk out of the jail I am happy it was you For I am a

Snail For I am a Snail

I crossed two rivers I cup my hands full of water tears

fill my eyes x3

I crossed three more rivers that makes five I am

happy I’m alive x3


Tip top of the totem pole

Smiling I’m a good God

I want to be there for the people

Jesus and The God are equal

Courage and might

We pledge and hold on tight

Because though the road might get bumpy

Our eggs won’t crack yet like Humpty Dumpty


Worms crawl between my toes

I kind of froze

I wanted to blow my noes!

Ever wonder where the time goes?

I just feed my cat with a hoes


Two barrels 45 pounds each

I reach out to go The God and The God says with a

megaphone out loud

Maybe life isn’t just dust in the wind

The God gives us feet to walk and legs to stand

We can use our knowledge to formulate concrete


I think we can push through hurtful words and

navigate to our destinies


I ain’t cryin’

I ain’t lyin’

I could drive a tractor

Flip a patty on the bbq

Get my thrill and fulfill


Thank you The God

I care because you care

I want to feel you

Thank you The God

When I’m weak

You give me strength


What She Said

Why don’t you?

Row your boat down the river.

The moon looks like a sliver.

She’s on the riverbed.

Look around you.

That’s all she said.

Fields of Psychology Song


I hear flamenco guitar from afar

I hear a beat that is sweet

It makes me tap my feet

I hear it in jazz melodies

It came from the Caribbean

It’s been around the seven seas

It’s called Spanish Tinge

Its heard in jazz and you don’t cringe

You feel happy

Enjoy it by a tree and get nappy

Get up and dance so you don’t get sappy

So Long

Caught myself yesterday

Was going to make a big mistake away

But I told myself not today

Not today...Not today

Yeah maybe I’m a little bit scared

Maybe I did it or maybe he dared me

But I don’t care

Cause it’s me who’s on the bed at the end of the day

I’m on the bed at the end of today

I’m on the bed at the end of the day

Yeah I’m on the bed at the end of the day

In life you got to play fair on and on

Hit your problems square on and on

So I sing this song so I can get along

I want to get along

I want to get along

I sing this song, so long


A choice to believe

These feelings don’t leave

We remain here

The time is clear

From the wings of a bird

It stars with one word

Freedom of choice

Use your voice


Bandaged Figurine

Small touches infinite

When looking on stars

From a sit.

Hands penetrate through clouds of galaxies

While one finger finds engagement

With the ring of Mars.

So we stand for this beauty.

We stand for a while upon the looking.

And sand on the bottom of vastest oceans,

Waits for an understanding

For a ship miles above...

In space? Avast, in love!

So, this bandaged figurine makes its dive,

To meet the bottom dwellers unfettered and alive.


when i fish my motto is this: let em' swim

hand on the line til the light gets dim

when i swim my motto is this: let em' catch

pulling against the tide for a final stretch

when im gone my motto is this: let em' smile

The God knows we went the extra mile

when im born my motto is this: let em' cry

we all live for another chance to try


Silence is kinda nice,

So don’t think twice,

It’s all night, for...

What is right


A story...

Elephant Book by: Thomas Halley

Created: February 26, 2012 at 7:20 PM

Chapter 1 Yet To Be Found

Nizelou walked on for a couple blocks. She was wondering

which path to take to make it to the palace. Only a girl at


twelve she carried spices that gave her courage in spite of


father’s desire for her not to cook until her 13th

birthday. Nizelou

knew the spices had a special power that she could only

find at

the elephant hill. At the palace there was to be great


honoring the elephants. She laughed as she remembered

lounging by the elephant hill conversing with long trunks


giving pales of water to patient elephants. It was the


spotted elephant that she first became friends with. The

elephants walked over to the watering hole blowing horn


with the trunks in announcement to the new coming age. The

brown spotted elephant's name was Yet To Be Found because

Nizelou wanted to understand the other elephant’s behavior


why they were so enthusiastic. Yet To Be Found spoke in


to Nizelou "I am trying to go to a place where I feel at


Nizelou spoke softly "You always have a home here on the


Yet to Be Found". Nizelou smiled and finally took the path

next to

the market that wound up to the palace. She searched with

precision in her room for the right place for the spices.

She finally

hid her spices in a small pouch in the corner of her room.


dreamed of a cake. This cake would honor the elephants. She

needed to talk to Yet to Be Found because she knew in her


there was more to his story. She started writing a poem to

Yet To

Be Found

Now your name is yet to be found

your feet barely touch the ground

when your trunk is always searching the sky

I feel like the stars are dancing too and I'm wondering why

But you always tell me the stars always know

So I try to pray and not let my understanding for my


wishes go

Can you help me find reason the other elephants are so


Is it because they know of the honoring

I'm trying to do the right thing for my father

Don't tell the other elephants I don't want it to be a


Nizelou took this poem to Yet to be Found. He walked over

to the

cliff and spoke to me.

Yet To Be Found looked at Nizelou solemnly. He said,


how do you know I'm meant to be with the elephants. I'm


with brown." Nizelou did not frown. She looked at Yet To Be

Found with a smile. "The Elephants are excited for they

know the

time is coming." said Yet To Be Found.

There is a man with carriage full of large parachutes the

size for

elephants. We are to go parachuting down the cliff into the


where the others will join us. The name of this man is the

Parachute Man. Nizelou looked at Yet to Be Found and Yet To

Be Found put his trunk on Nizelou shoulder and said, "I


always be your friend." "I want you to know that day when


first came to the Elephant Hill and I met you, I made a


The God said you were the chosen cook, and everyday I was

thankful to have met you. That is why I showed you where


spices were." Nizelou spoke with a newfound calm, "I have

to go

to the market place and get the special cake ingredients.

Yet to

Be Found said, "there's a lot of love that they put in

that." Nizelou

says, "I remember you telling me that there are open arms


The God when the special cake is eaten by our family." "I


hope those elephants will welcome you the same way."

Nizelou traveled with a gait. She hoped to one day be


again with Yet To Be Found. As she walked she took a moment

to realize what she really hoped for was to see Yet To Be


happy with the other elephants. She made the cake. She gave


to the feast to honor the elephants. Her father was very


Nizelou was very happy her father was proud. She went to

Elephant Hill to say goodbye to the elephants. Yet To Be


stood with happiness about him. He was surely going to miss

Nizelou. He knew there was a way they could be together


and he knew how. "Nizelou your cake gives all the elephants


power of unity. We were all a unit in your great

celebration and

the love will always remain." Nizelou dreamed of meeting


parachute man. She knew her time would come. Yet to be


looked at Nizelou and Nizelou looked at Yet to be Found,


says, "Yet To Be Found I hope you know I love you and one


you will be found because your spots of brown are special."


to Be Found smiled.

Chapter 2 The Cook Book

Nizelou traveled back to her home. She looked at her life

as a

piece of a puzzle. She thought she was part of something

greater and she just wanted to have a chance to show her

strength. She knew from her friendship with Yet to Be Found


she had courage. She knew there was going to be time to


her strength. She kept the spices to keep the courage


She knew in her heart that if she kept the spices, good


could happen. "Nizelou", her father called from the palace


She looked out her window with a smile. She met her father


a gaze from a far. Her father looked very nice as he was


in a silk robe that resembled peacock colors. She wondered

what was the occasion. She asked father, "Father, for what

occasion do you wear such beautiful clothing." Her father


at her in the eyes. There was a feeling of holiness in the


"Nizelou, I'm going to be going to the market to get you a


book. This special cookbook, that has ancient recipes from


time the elephants first sang their songs. This is a time

of joy."

Nizelou wanted to find a way to reach her hand out and pet


To Be Found's fuzzy trunk. She knew her friend missed her,


did she. She kept the magical spices as she promised.


knew it was her birthday soon. Soon, she will be able to

cook all

the magical cakes she wanted.

The next morning, Nizelou walked to Elephant Hill. She was


that the other elephants weren't there. She knew the


man had taken them to where the other elephants were. She

prayed that she would see Yet To Be Found again. She was

happy to have a cookbook. Nizelou said, "If I look at the


side of things, I may be able to cook and find a way to the


of the Elephant Hill."

Chapter 3 The Migration

Nizelou was very happy with her cookbook. She dreamed of

ideas to cook. She then thought to herself, "I'm learning

so much

about cooking, maybe I could learn a few things about


She decided to ask her father about Elephants. So Nizelou

asked her father, "Dad why do Elephants move?" Her father

said, "Elephants migrate because of weather conditions" "A

climate can change. Elephants move to where they can eat


keep with their kind in safety." Nizelou finally was

starting to

understand. Nizelou said with a notion of trust, "Father,

may I be

able to travel with the Elephants when they migrate back to


village near Elephant Hill" Her Father said, "I hope your


here with me Nizelou. You know when you grow up; you can

always live in the palace. I was hoping you would find


you loved." Nizelou said, "When I grow up I want to care

for the

Elephants." Her father smiled. It was a good day.

Chapter 4 Serenitee’s Serenity

Nizelou’s father called her Tee. Her name was Serenitee.


was Nizelou’s mother. One day when Nizelou was walking in


garden, she asked her father about her mother.

“Father, who is this woman that you married and why did she


away?” Nizelou’s father smiled gratefully. He knew this was


perfect time to talk to his daughter. “Nizelou, when you

were just

born your mother had a friendship with the elephants.” “She

wanted you to someday understand them.” Nizelou opened her

eyes as wide as she could and then closed them. “It was the

small elephant that, first took attraction to you.” Nizelou


to stammer with exhilaration. Nizelou asked, “Did this


have brown spots?”

Chapter 5 Nizelou’s Walk

Nizelou took a walk. It was not a long walk where she

remembers to make her mark in the path in the intertwining

trees. She would usually need to do that to find her way


Nizelou and The God, yes Nizelou and The God know that


Nizelou prays often as she remembers how thankful she is to

even be apart of the life of elephants. Nizelou goes on her


walks. Chickens were clucking just outside her room on the


of the palace quarters. There, yes-there Nizelou smiles at


fence that stood so proud in remembrance. It was a short


Nizelou went on counting each post in the fence. Each post

became a day. This is because she would remember her


stories. She would sit by one post a day and remember one


them. Each story was a post. Nizelou thought to herself,

“am I

ever going to get to the end of this fence, I feel like

life is a fence

and the elephants on the other side”. Nizelou’s voice from


father rang in her head like a chime, “patience my dear,


Nizelou almost tripped and she felt a little lost. She

wanted to

draw something. She found a small crayon in her pocket and

drew a small smiley face on the ground. The crayon was only


centimeter small when she finished the smiley face. That is

because the crayon lost its substance in the physical form.

I am the writer of this book and the crayon

always lay in my heart.

Nizelou wished she still had the spices. She felt a desire


create something. She remembered her friend Butela. Butela

is a

girl. She is quite timid but she always liked to draw. One

day they

gathered around a fire. The sun shined like a silver moon

in the

peaceful night. This is because the clouds were blocking

the sun.

Only a glimpse of the sun was visible to see while Butela


Nizelou warmed their hands.

It was a purple dragon. It was also a happy drawing. Butela

never wanted to remind her parents of nonsense. Her parents

wouldn’t put up with it. Her parents would throw her


when they would find her space giraffes.

The God understands.

He wants us to express our feelings. He doesn’t want us to


them secret all of the time. Jesus shared his teachings

like we

should share our feelings.

Nizelou missed her friends. She hadn’t seen her in many


She wanted the sun to set. She prayed to The God that He

would give His blessings to Butela. Butela was 7 years old.

Butela sometimes had to fight for herself in school with


One time, her teacher changed her seats because she was

always too busy talking with Nizelou. This frustrated the


friends. They soon got over their frustration and grew to

like their


Nizelou thought about this for 10 minutes.

Nizelou said to herself, “I must fight on!”

She walked into the palace quarters and her father said,


I don’t want you to fight” Her father smiled and chuckled.


said, “The Lord has been telling me things.”

Nizelou didn’t want her father to see her angry. She


how she slammed the door behind her. Nizelou just needs to

take sometime to relax.

Nizelou said to herself, “Sometimes fathers know best.”

Nizelou is overall a positive person. She loves Elephants

best of

all. She loves Yet To Be Found’s long eyelashes.

The next day her dad was in a different mood. He was full

of it.

He said proudly, “I am the greatest majesty that ever


foot on Elephant hill.”

Nizelou’s friend Butela told her that The God understands


when we are humble. Nizelou’s father shouldn’t just toot

his horn

like this.

Nizelou spent some time in solitude trying to think of how


approach her dad.

Nizelou cried for some time. She stood still. She stood


motionless. She looked down at the ground. Then she

questioned herself, “Why shall I look down when the face of


is right in front of me?” She walked through the door into


father’s quarters. She humbly said, “I hope you love me.”


father stuttered and then thought, why? The God went into


God and Nizelou’s father accepted His presence.

“Nizelou, I always love you and sorry for being arrogant.”


father said this with a smile.

Chapter 6 Nizelou’s Spiritual Brother

Nizelou wrote a note down thinking of a fun event.

1. A juggling elf

2. Frisbee golfing

3. Egg pudding

Nizelou wanted to plan an event. She wanted to surprise


The God spoke to her the night she slept with sweet dreams.

Nizelou is friends with a tree. The tree says, “Come and


will see an angel!”

Nizelou hears this and smiles as she has done this before.

She goes closer to the tree and a male woodpecker flies to

the base of the tree. The tree says, “Don’t say anything.”


time, Nizelou forces herself not to laugh. Finally, she


giggling. She takes off her shoes. While she’s barefoot,


stands on her tippy toes and reaches to the tree’s limb.


woodpecker flies to the limb while pecking at it and flies

to the

ground. The woodpecker hops over to Nizelou’s bare feet.

Then something very different began to happen.

The ground begins to shake.

The shaking finally stops.

Nizelou looks down and the woodpecker is nowhere to be


All of the sudden Nizelou starts to grow wings.

“My Spiritual Brother”, says Nizelou addressing the tree,


do you give me wings on this day?”

“The God and I know you love the Elephants Nizelou.” “We

have been meaning to show you this miracle of hope for a

long time.” “Now the time has come”.

Nizelou says while tears start streaming down her face,


why? The Parachute Man took the Elephants on the

parachute so long ago...Yet to Be Found is now old... why


you do this to me?”

The Tree’s roots begin to come out of the ground and grab a

hold of Nizelou. Nizelou’s new wings start to flap and


Nizelou is frightened.

The tree screams, “Why don’t you trust me, now you will


the wrath of mother nature!”.

Nizelou began to pray. The God sent a real male angel from

heaven. The angel had a sword and sliced the roots off of


The angel said with a smile, “The God tames mother nature

Nizelou, just as we have tamed the wild beasts to keep the

Elephants safe from harm. They miss you Nizelou. Come...

Yet to be Found has told me great things of his new home.

Nizelou smiled and flew off with the angel. They flew all


way to the Kingdom of the Elephants.

Nizelou walked with Yet to Be Found. They had a merry time


Nizelou told Yet to Be Found how she wanted to have a

daughter and have a happy home in the future.

Yet to Be Found smiled and said, “You will my old friend...


I will pray for you.”

Chapter 7 Nizelou’s Family

Nizelou was just a baby, her father thought.

12 years later...

Time and time again, she would roll on the floor. Nizelou

grew up

and had a child.

Bounce. Bounce. THUD. As a mother, Nizelou barely could

control her daughter’s rolling.

C was just a baby, her Mother thought.

2 years later.

C’s mother is Nizelou...Nizelou’s daughter is C.

As you might tell, many years have passed.

Three years later, C turned 5.

C had a huge vocabulary. She wanted to be an English


C wrote a page in Kindergarten.

Hello my name is C.

C is just a letter, but it gets better! I grew up in a

palace until I

turned one.

My mother would hang me up on a tree. Remember my name is


One day while I was hanging, an Elephant picked me up and

took me far away.

A broad-minded pilgrim picked me up from this Elephant and

taught me how to speak Elephant.

The teacher tore the page in half. It brought C to tears. C

just ran

home from the village school and cried to Nizelou.

NIzelou did not want C’s great mind to be chained to the


school’s policies.

Nizelou set out on a journey with C.

And so the second part of the book begins...

Chapter 8 The Journey

Butela has a very wealthy family. Her father had a huge


when he was growing up. He lived in a palace in the Far


while Nizelou lived in the palace located in the Far West

in India.

Nizelou’s father did not grow up rich. He was actually

quite poor.

Nizelou’s father’s name is Frank Ford.

Nizelou’s last name is Ford.

Nizelou loves her father. They have a good relationship.

Nizelou started to dream about a happy time. No one else

understands this time, but Nizelou.

The day was cold and damp. There were dewdrops that were

dripping off of the palace gate. Nizelou gripped her


hands on the icy gate. She felt so good. She could take a

lot of

cold, as her father would march her in the snow in the


months. Once, so her father wouldn’t get lost, she marked


trail and Frank Ford and Nizelou managed to get back safely


the warm Winter Palace.

Nizelou did not stay long at the Winter Palace, for it was


Grandfather’s palace. Greedy men eventually bought the


off. Thankfully, Nizelou’s smart and cunning father was

able to

keep his father’s sacred belongings.

So when Nizelou felt the cold gate with her frosty hands,


was able to scurry happily back into her father’s kingdom,


Palace. She opened her Grandfather’s chest. She was so


Chapter 9 The Journey in Africa

Nizelou decided to teach her daughter about the African


Nizelou spoke with a subtle confidence that only her

daughter, C,

could pick up on.

“Africa is a big continent”, said Nizelou.

Nizelou was living in a damp environment in Congo, Africa


her daughter C. Nizelou moved away from India, where

elephants have smaller ears, to Africa with C. Here, they

did not

discriminate upon C’s high intellectual capacity. There


wood planks that were positioned between two streams. One

stream ran south and the other ran north. Then one day the

elephants ran through the home they were trying to build


destroyed the planks. C tossed what she thought was a rock


the south running stream. The rock was actually a floating

sediment that ran south and far towards where the African

Elephants were located.

Nizelou taught her daughter how to skip rocks up the north

flowing stream. That is where they traveled. They wanted to


far north and learn the ways of the other animals.

Finally, they went to a place where they started a home.


they bought C’s first globe. A globe is a sphere and it

shows the

continents, countries, and states or provinces. It even the


the tiny cities.

C heard a voice that said, “Hold on a minute, I’m not going


spin it.”

It was her mother peering over her shoulder as she was


at the globe.

Her mothers voice was calm and said, “Trace your finger



Nizelou smiled and said, “You can do it!”

C traced her small, cute index finger around Africa.

Nizelou clapped her hands three times.

They were in utter exhilaration.

Nizelou looked out the window and saw to African Finches

fly in

circles around each other. C chirped up and said, “They are


Nizelou was astonished that C knew such a thing. Nizelou


even know. From then on Nizelou looked at C as a source of


love. Those cute brown eyes didn’t lie.

The source lies within C. There was a seed planted by her

mother long ago. That seed was planted with an


of the one true The God. That is love. The God was love in

beginning and He shall be love in the end. Where there is


companionship, the love truly never ends. Where there is an

animal that cares for its young and produces offspring, the


never ceases growing.

This is a lesson that Nizelou taught C. This was a lesson


to her by her father and his mother in fact before that.


source of The God’s love lies within the offspring. The


begin to die out in old age.

Nizelou and C decided to return from Africa and go back to


where Yet to be Found was and Nizelou’s father’s burial is.

Chapter 10 Nizelou’s Final Talk with Yet to be Found

Nizelou’s hand tightly gripped C’s hand. They walked on for


couple blocks from the Palace. They had just visited


father’s final resting place. Nizelou saw Yet to Be Found


she originally met Yet to Be Found. C said, “Mom the


really does have brown spots like you said!” Nizelou smiled



Yet To Be Found put his trunk a little higher so C could

shake it

with both of her hands. Nizelou asked C what she thought of


friend, Yet to Be Found.

C had a light that glowed all around her. For mother


this was a special time and looked around as birds flew


chirping happily. C said, “I love you Yet to Be Found. I


believed in you ever since my mother told me stories about


Your seed won’t die Yet To Be Found. Our love will always

remain and your new name, is uh...uh...I don’t know!”

Nizelou laughed and said, “Go on my child... You know...

for you

know the lesson I have taught you.”

Yet To Be Found and C both said, “I am found”.

From then on Yet to Be Found was called I’m Found. I’m


mated with his new girlfriend and they had a baby elephant.

Nizelou named the baby elephant The God’s Seed.

Nizelou and C talked for a while. They talked about how


Elephants have smaller ears than African elephants.

They talked about how C would be a princess in the Palace


take over for Nizelou some day.

C said, “Lets sell the Palace and go travelling.”

Nizelou laughed and agreed. They really did that. C and


traveled the whole world and got along with everybody by


to their friends, the animals!

Chapter 11 Nizelou’s Daughter Spends Her Days with Smiles

It was a cheery fall afternoon in Mid-September. Nizelou

and C

decided to go to Egypt. There they met unusual looking


Nizelou and C only spoke Elephant and English.

There were 50 long and healthy years in Egypt, France, and


Netherlands. Those were days of fun and happiness. Nizelou

and C grew with The God in that period.

They decided to learn Cat.

The God loves Nizelou, C, Frank Ford, and all of the

animals in

this story.

The God Loves You

The End


A story...

The Science of Mr. Brill By: Thomas

Part 1

Over a meadow and a lake where birds wet their bills in

search for

lunch, there was a house in the sky. This was not a tree

house. This was

not a spaceship. This was not even real. The funny part is

that this was

all in the imagination of one teacher, Mr. Brill. Mr. Brill

was real. He

taught science in a small town on planet earth. He made it

fun for his

students by acting like water. He would say, “Drink me!”

The students

would laugh and he would always pat them on the back with


One night, the sky was missing the ground and the ground

was missing

the sky. This is because that funny guy night came and they

needed a

plan. In the night, the ground got an idea. The ground

said, “Why don’t

I rotate in a cycle of one year around the sun. While I do

this, I will be

constantly spinning in a cycle of 24 hours. That way I can

still be

friends with 1⁄2 of you at all times, sky” “We will meet in

the day

through our friend, the sun”, said one half of the sky. The

other half of

the ground said, “I will sleep at night when your other

half is lit up

from the sun’s rays.” Night said, “Yes, I will cover one

half of the earth

while it sleeps and while the bright sky in day does his

job.” The sun

said, “I agree. I think it best that the world rotate

around me.”

“This is just a story I made up class. It gives a picture

of how night and

day happens.” “Our galaxy is mysterious and the things have

to get

along with each other for us tiny humans to be alive,” said

Mr. Brill.

Mr. Brill added, “The earth rotates around the sun in a

complete cycle

of one year.”

“Oh, cool”, said Lil Frank. Lil Frank was a child science

gangster. He

was the head of his crew, ‘The Lava Lamps’. They always got


at the science fair.

“Damn, I feel small!” said Lil Frank’s sidekick, Big Tommy.

“Your still a big guy, Tommy,” said Mr. Brill. “You just

should know

that in order for us all to be alive class, there is a

certain system that our

planet follows. The earth is very small compared to the


“So the ground is the earth,” said Sherri. “It revolves

around the sun

like that map of planets shows on the wall.” “It must be

spinning at the

same time for night and day to happen!”

Mr. Brill only smiled and said, “Indeed, when I was your

age, I thought

I could jump so high that I could touch the sun!” “But my

Dad told me

that the sun was many miles away.”

“How many miles, like light years?”

“What are light years?” said Ted.

“Slow down, light years are a measure of distance,” said

Mr. Brill.

The janitor walked in. He said in a gruff voice, “The moon

is night’s

companion and it is not as far away.”

“Yes Steve,” said Mr. Brill. “I didn’t know you were


“I uh, I uh,” then Steve stumbled out of the room sweeping

madly with

his broom.

The whole class started laughing and even Mr. Brill

couldn’t stop

himself from chuckling.

“To answer your question, Ted, the distance from the sun to

the earth is

an astronomical unit.”

Mr. Brill began writing this large number on a piece of

paper. He

handed the paper to Ted and Ted’s eyes bulged.

“Wow,” said Ted.

Mr. Brill said calmly, “You just keep that handy. You might

need it if

you become an astronomer.”

Ted nodded.

Part 2

Mr. Brill wrote on the board for the next class period.

This time he was

talking about organisms.

“Hi Class”, said Mr. Brill.

“Hi Mr. Brill!” said the class.

“Today we are going to be talking about organisms and how

they live

before they die.”

“Before I got in my car today, I noticed a lizard.”

“The lizard was in the shade of a rock cooling itself. The

lizard was

adapting to the hot climate. Class, adapting means changing


behavior or anything changing its behavior to suite the

conditions we or

anything is living productively in.” Things get choatic when certain aspects of nature lose productivity. This assertion was well definedha before physicists entered the 20th century.

“Nice!” said Samantha. “I love the shade too.”

“You know it’s funny, Samantha.” “I noticed that same

lizard when it

was a baby while I was gardening at home,” said Mr. Brill.

“It has the

ability to go off from its mother at much earlier stage

than we as

humans leave our mother.”

“Oh and in the lizards’ case, adapting means shedding its

skin in certain


“Imagine all that sun without any clothes.”

Johnny said, “Hot!”

“The mother puts out it best for surviving like its young

will.” “Then

they die, but I will tell you there is certain gift that

exists in death.” “As

a science teacher, I will go no farther than that today.”

Mr. Brill looked as if a light bulb was floating over his


He exclaimed, “Love never dies, it only ties. In the end,

we will all

equal each other. This is because I think there is a higher

power in all of


Tony, the most quiet guy in class, started to shed a tear.

Tony puffed air

out of his mouth.

Mr. Brill said, “I’m not one of the little pigs in that

childhood fairytale.

What’s up Tony?”

Tony smiled because he knew that was an inside joke.

He remembered how one day he ‘forgot’ his science homework.


really had it eaten because his Grandma was in need of

paper for her

cigarettes. Tony had done this homework a week in advance.

He had

caution signs on his door so his Grandma wouldn’t come in.

Tony, even

though he didn’t talk, was a health freak. He always

snacked on carrots

and hated the smell of cigarettes. His Grandma was fed up

and said,

“I’ll huff and puff and blow smoke in your room if don’t

buy me paper

for my tobacco!” The nerve of this old lady! What was she

going to do?

Set her tobacco stash on fire and then use one of her old

lady fans to

blow the smoke into Tony’s room? No! Tony wasn’t going to

have this.

What would he tell Mr. Brill? His Grandma played a trick on

him. She

went into his room, took his homework which was one piece

of paper,

and blended it up into a smoothie. Grandma said, “I made

you a

smoothie Tony!” “Come down stairs and try it. It is a new

recipe.” Tony

liked this idea. He was hesitant, but he went down anyway.

He took the

first sip, “delicious”, he thought. He downed the whole

thing. “Seems

healthy Grandma.” Grandma said, “Go buy me the paper now,

sweetie.” Tony wouldn’t. He couldn’t. Everything he

believed came

down to this crucial moment. Would he give in? Tony slept

outside for

six nights because he refused. He finally fessed up to Mr.


Tony chuckled for the first time in years out loud in the

middle of class.

He finally spoke up. “You gave me an A because I was true

to myself,

Mr. Brill. I love you.”

Mr. Brill said, “See class...we can all learn from Tony. I

know I rant

about the meaning of love and pretend I’m water. Really, we


missing the point because we are not like Tony. We give

into other’s

ideas too easily. There is a whole social science called

psychology that

goes into why people do things. But I will tell you good

people this:

Science is Science. Love is Love. There is Science in love;

just as much

as there is love in Science. We are not an experiment. We

are human

beings. We are all scientists making discoveries in the rememberance of

God’s eyes, so do not put to much ketchup on your French_Fries.

Lil Frank peeped up, “Yeah dude, The Dot Zone God loves me. The Zon Dotting God


little old me.”

The whole class laughed. Then Mr. Brill went over to the

window on

the east side of class and opened it.

The whole class including Mr. Brill said in unison, “Thank

you Steve!”

Steve didn’t reply. He only signaled the heart sign with

his two hands.

Wow, a janitor keeping the oldest trends alive.


The Last Poem: Then Love

We look to understand

People and places

As much as they understand themselves

But a forgetful wish is not one kept hidden

For gut wrenching tears, are always ridden

Into the bitter depths of a turning river,

Hoping the light will shine,

That the dark will cry,

That the night might fly,

That his only love,

Could never die.

But a forgetful wish is only this: know thyself

And cry to the moon that forgiveness is not an answer

But a hopeful lesson that true death can come


Because we want liberty to come clear,

That is how we know our non-False frame of God,

And if we knew what was before,

We’d never want

To go,

So then begin to know.

Then Love all you know,

Because your song is a sought after verse,

That listens like urchins in the winter ablaze,

Full of you, so you’re one to look into.

You realize, it’s not about which

Super hero is stronger weaker,

It’s to know the underlying God,

Of underlying order and harmony, an armor of The God


The end of rhyme. Be it soup, in the depths of time.

Awake early my son. Shine your metal boots in the


morning sun. Before the clouds make wake like

ripples in


stormy oceans that mariners do fear. But fear not, my


squire, for the time has come. The time has come for


kings to put down their heavy crowns and count the


of sweat from the women and children who till their



But it was in the same very field that this young boy

stood, where he felt its ground shake from the


bombs found only in dreams. But the dream has yet



and rifles were taken up many years after this



fledgling birds touched the crimson sky to brave the


coming without greed.


Could a soft touch of a sweet bird friend put matters



Ah, dear reader, twas only a daydream when the sky


still a

deep blue.


And so the reader may inquire, about this eager



knew not why his dreams thundered in his ears when



After he cleaned the wrought iron pot in the dining



his humble home in Devinshire, he knelt low so as to


reassured by the stillness of the cold floor.

To God my mentor knight and page lead me,

Away from the steeds dismayed by arrows

In battle,

On my saddle,

Shall I protect my good horse,

Batting away arrows from the depths of hell,

And so will time only tell...

In the companionship of tomorrow.

And so I’ve name my horse, Sorrow.


Janis Tarhunter was his name. A valued friend by a few


folk, for he lived a quiet life with his mother, Ann, and


very studious one as a page of fourteen. His father



away in a great escapade up North. Some would say



fought, others would say he fought since the day he



world with fresh eyes. Nonetheless, his death will

always be

remembered and accounted for by the folk of Janis’s



death letter to his mother, partly stained with blood

on the

edges, meant so much in the questions of his passing.



riddled with guilt? Did he not know that he may never


himself guide Janis to knighthood? An only child,

Jamis, was


blessing to his father’s eyes. His knightly father Teor,


a farmer and shepherd, tended his flock of sheep



and blood for the livelihood of his heart and home. So

as to

never invite a terrible storm from an evil and spiteful


called, Lord Garak.


The cold air flitted around like falling feathers

through the

castle walls. It was a dark and dreaded place and no


who came within proximity, if they were anything



human nature, would miss its alien disguise. Spidery


grappled the pages of last night’s meeting. Opening



the manipulative king gestured to his servant, Blotky,



his sword behind the cupboard in his dwelling.


What is real? Jamis pondered to himself. The plants


stretch my imagination are always friend. They count

on me


much as I them. The cedar that circle and protect this


is as knightly as the roundtable from which King

Arthur sat.

As I sit in my mother Ann’s garden, I not only eat, but


Such would be my father’s wish: Son, you are not a



is the first step of knighthood.

“We (Knights) give in a fashion not what is ascribed to


selfless dog, but rather a tamer of unseeable traps



befall a wild animal. Such is the calamity of battle.”


were the words of Jamis’s father at the age of nine,



went away five years from today. A wizard of



impressions from his father and character the same,


never leave Jamis.


“Ruf, ru-ruf.”

It was Rainhand, a kind dog of Anne’s left to her son


herself by a friend, out of compassion for the death of


Rainhand went into the kitchen as Anne was preparing



soup that boiled like the sound of crackling fire in the


pot, which Jamis had cleaned.

Rainhand then picked up on a scent, that caused him


traverse out of the quarters at quite a pace. He sniffed


backed up, but for a peculiar notion did not bark.


vision grew dim, as a light streamed from the nearby


He picked up a note left nearly to fall into the well

near the

outside field. Naturally, although considered Anne’s


Rainhand went dutifully to his greatest companion



the note at Janis’s metal shoe.

only when his eyes passed over them, while the


letters remained dark and camouflage. Janis knew of


difficulty, as was a common occurrence among poor

folk in


South of Kildregood. He heard a strange whisper that


oddly reminiscent of his father’s voice. All he could



was “The markings son, the markings, go to the old



the fish market.” Stupefied in mystification, Janis

pocketed the note and went on to his much awaited

soup in the dining quarters of his humble abode.

Some sparks flew from the tired soup as it came to a

steady boil.

His fathers voice remained with him until he knew

what to do. That is when his own voice took its place.

He went out immediately to an old shed, where he

found the broken shards of a cover to an old photo. It

was his father. It was his mother. It was the shoe that

caked his foot with soot, after he left it too long by

the fire. It was the only darkness in his mind. It was his

only message to unwind. The silver locket. It was a

picture of an empty silver locket. Only the emptiness

would remain until its passage could withstand the


The fire in the chimney would give up its light without

a pause. And the frost would coat the abode with a

firm mist. Leveling the promise his father made was

simply to know himself.


15 years later

Years grew older, or older grew him. War was upon

the age of knights, who sunk their swords in their

sheaths as a proclamation to recognize the coming

Spring. As if an angel of silence in pacifism would end

a remarkable swear, an oath that could never tear. A

book that would always bear, a presence in every

library. The Bible of God!

There was news and much talk in the town of what

Lord Garik was about to do. He planned a sick joke,

which made him even sicker in the head. Sick as the

yellowish pages in a book of a library never read. He

loved his spidery fingers and causing the peasants to

run amok, but every time he laughed he pronounced

how the world should live in muck. His finally plan was

this: Execute every dog owner who loves their

animals more than I.

This is when Janis lost it. The beggar gave him a

simple workout manual, which he used and trained

himself in the art of Ku-Fan-Doo.

This was an ancient and easterly past-time. Who grew

so strong his mind was greater than a prong. A prong

he could bend with ease, only his life would be in

shambles, if truth could be cut as easily as cheese.

The whispers around float like clouds in the ground, a

message from his father would resound. As if the

reflection was that clear, and death could not fear.


Janis was a knight. He became one after he listened to

the secret whisper. A whisper that could breathe the

dust off any old book.

Janis convinced Lord Garik, to give up his lordship.

This is how he did.

Janis: Garik, your filth precludes you, in the same way

my faith precluded me before I became a knight. The

only difference my faith is just, and your faith was not.

Garik: You have knocked all of my guards

unconscious. And you point this sword at me so

calmly! Blotky grace me my dagger! Blotky ready my


*** Janis throws his own dagger so fast and with such

speed Blotky is pinned by his devilish gown on the far


Janis: Garik, when these unconscious guards wake up,

they will be bewildered. For they will have chanced

the reason they guarded you. Will you be alive when

that happens, only the will tell.

Garik: Good god! Janis! You will not make a martyr

out of me!

Janis: Jesus carried no cross, but an inception of a

crossroad. The cross he died on was for good faith,

not the same as the cross your eyes have made upon

your selfish nose. He held the ability of man to chance

their fate. Do they know God before their hell knows

them. Tis not chance you get carried away by sparring

these words towards me.

Garik: I repent! Dear god! I remember I knew

someone who found this pup name Rainhand. He, he,

said this dog will be named after the horse you ride,

who was also called Rainhand. I see it now, Janis.

You may have never known this dog... But I always

thought of dogs as lower than horses, until now. I see

that the cross they bear towards men, is not one that

feared the devil, but knew allegiance to a proper

name. The name of empathy. The horse does my

bidding because I abused him so. I see the dog in your

face, Janis. It does my my mind great harm.

*** Lord Garik knelt down and picked up a shard of broken


from the window Janis pushed him against.

Garik: Come to me Janis. I too need to whisper something

in your


Janis: I kindly ablige.

*** Garik lunged the piece of glass in a swift motion of


Janis’ neck

Janis: (Upon knowing his fate says to himself) I guess we

will know

the whisper of truth father, and meet again.

*** Blotky tackles Garik

Garik: (Upon having the wind knocked out of him says in a


tone) Okay dear Janis. I have no hope but to resign my


because Jesus never asked to be Lord as I do. What respect

am I


And so that was the end. Blotky and Lord Garik who now


known as Garik lived in the farming hills above Devinshire


remained there until their end of time. Until the

beginning of a newer and truer Universe.

*** Janis walked with an astute foot over to Garik Janis:

What will you whisper to me now?

a greater sprit’s rhyme. The ringing in the ears of “Sprit


And so the Squire, now Knight, will always hear Sprit

Chime in the

grand memory of his father, the reason his mother could


and live, the reason Rainhand could utter his last bark of

Love. And

the dogs could love their dad’s and mom’s as much as

lads and

pawns for the end of eternity.


Where do we go from here,

Where do we choose

If life’s center is not far from here

Where do we lose...

No need for food,

We’re frozen for good

Angels we were,

All under the hood.


The missing piece is to turn, The puzzle 180 degrees,

The missing piece is to light,

The question before it will freeze. The missing piece is to

love, Equality at its bay,

The missing piece is to throw,

All the negativity away.

The missing piece is to know,

All the love at different angles.

The missing piece is to find.

The star-scarred flag at its spangles. The missing piece is

to frighten,

All of the ghosts from afar.

The missing piece is to flag them,

And diligently count them in a jar.

The missing piece is to desire,

Every hateful blow.

So each ghost could gobble them up,

In the silent jar buried below.

Would God revive hate?

Nay, teach Love.

And it came to him as the flag turned from black to blue.

He wrote this message with a quill, and God smiled and


“Son, Always Anchor”

It takes hell to know heaven,

One well of water to know seven.

Free people keep quiet.

Chained souls never do.

Life is the giving tree,

Of morning dew.

Enter deep space from a heart,

Always beating into,

The path of silver surfing pirates.

When the past dies empty and true.

It’s like a silver crescent moon

Bending our fates,
Like a sun in our eyes,
Of blinding lies.
When we are too thirsty for truth,
Our ocean of future never dies.
Only wrinkled pains,
In the eyes of an old sailor.

Forgetting his failure.
To pull up his anchor.
And yes, a heaven should
Always anchor.
By chance, the pirates have stayed afloat in the sailboat of Nizelou,
In this old knightly sailor: altruism is found.

So angel of green eyes: Abound. The sun loves distant angels that radiate through the machinery of time. Tudo, a great machinist, could only wink because his mentor could Think.


Locating perspective through a paintbrush is the proper way to sculpt a prosperous future, and this paintbrush could simply be a positive action.

